Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

@rnchick74 - like the yolk color of your eggs, I miss the darker yolks. Definitely noticed a difference since I am no longer fermenting. Nice routine you got there, so you add additional probiotics even when you ferment? I ask because my understanding is that fermented feed is full of probiotics and micronutrients. For the micronutrients,I give black strap molasses a couple times a week and kale a few times a week as well. Also the feed we get has kelp, molasses and all the good beneficial bacteria.
I do give additional probiotics, because fermenting adds more pre-biotics, some pre-biotics but more yeast & micronutrients (the good kind) but not all of the bacteria that the gut needs to fight off infection and be healthy.

Adding an additional few strains of probiotics with it, even irregularly, helps round out the flora in the gut. All the other additional things you are giving help in so many other ways too.

One thing I've learned/read/found was to not put their scratch in their container - but to toss it out on the ground & to make them "scratch" for it. That also has them dig up the bugs & worms in the ground. Yes, you do need to do a good worming at least once (preferable twice) a year and make sure that your soil is good quality (if you garden in it, you are ok). The bugs, grubs, etc that they find in the ground is good for them - foraging is a good thing that so many (mainly urban) chicken keepers have removed from their lives.
Advice time -

My BCM is insisting on laying her egg in the middle of the day, in the middle of the run. She won't go back into the coop to use the nest box. How can I teach her that's where I want her to lay her egg??
Don't have any pics to post of my chickens from Meyer's but I can claim from personal experience that I've not lost any stock I've picked up from Meyer Hatchery. I'd rather drive the 2.5 hrs to pick my orders up than having chicks shipped. Next trip to Polk, OH is April 20th. Cream Legbars & Salmon Faverolles to add to my flock. I believe those two will be the two breeds I will attempt to keep (incubate) in future.
from Meyers: Barred Rocks, Black Orpington, Campine, Polish.
Advice time - 

My BCM is insisting on laying her egg in the middle of the day, in the middle of the run. She won't go back into the coop to use the nest box. How can I teach her that's where I want her to lay her egg??

The others lay in the nest boxes? And you have golf balls out? Maybe she'll catch on herself. How long has she been laying?
Advice time - 

My BCM is insisting on laying her egg in the middle of the day, in the middle of the run. She won't go back into the coop to use the nest box. How can I teach her that's where I want her to lay her egg??

wherever she lays an egg put a board or container down in her spot especially if she picks the same spot. When mine first started I had one that would lay eggs under the roosts in the coop. I'd just put boards, wire shelves, bowls or anything to make that area less comfortable. I also made sure there were lots of fluffy shavings in the nest boxes and put the bird in the nest box just to show her. Do you also have plenty of nest boxes for them to share? Eventually she'll start using the nest box, especially if others are and if you block those areas of the run to make them less hospitable to her.
The others lay in the nest boxes? And you have golf balls out? Maybe she'll catch on herself. How long has she been laying?

My 1 other one that is laying, lays in the nest box & I do have golf balls out. They have been laying for less than a week - very new layers!

I thought it was just this week. I'd give her time. My Apricot laid in the middle of the run the first few times, then in both the run and box a couple times before going to the box every time.
Wow... amazing color yolks... do they free range all day?   I'm so jealous, mine are looking pretty pale.  

WooHoo!!!   How's your OE looking?  I think it was you that got one the same week as me right?  Mine has had a nice sized comb and red for a few weeks but no signs of laying.  She's 16 weeks also. She is def. a cross of CCL and something else. Clean legged.  Fingers crossed for olive eggs!   I have a few other that are 17 weeks and one of my GB squatted for me today!!   But her comb/wattles are still small.  I'm getting impatient.  

our BA looked pretty bad last week with her heavy molt. She went from looking like a huge plump chicken to a skinny half plucked one. She finally is looking a little better with new feathers.We've had a couple close calls with hawks too, so I've only been letting mine out in covered areas. I really don't want to feed those hungry hawks.
I thought it was just this week. I'd give her time. My Apricot laid in the middle of the run the first few times, then in both the run and box a couple times before going to the box every time.

X2 our second layer Amelia tried to lay her first egg from a high perch she was so nervous. I scooped her up and she laid on my lap. But the second egg she laid in the run when I wasn't there, the third and everyone thereafter she got in the nest box. She will get the hang of it especially when she sees other eggs laid there. If you catch her in the act or not long after you can scoop her up and the egg if its already laid, place it in the nest box and her in front of it to see where it goes. My girls never liked being put in the nest box though, made them more nervous. More egg and pullet pics please! :)

Nancy your hawk scare gave me nightmares last night, there was a hawk and an owl on top of our run during free range time in the dream and I was trying to protect the girls outside and inside the run, one of the raptors went in because the door was open, I rushed over there and miraculously no one was hurt but I did have a pretty white EE in the run, not sure where the hawk went, perhaps it turned into the EE in which case my subconscious mind is pretty awesome, lol. (Actually that dream wasnt nearly as bad as the one I had the night before where my Kindergarten son and I had forgotten he had a book report due! I was scrambling to write it for him and kept him home a day. Finally my own school stress dreams have translated into the realm of parenthood.) We had a hawk stalk our run this summer but none have been so bold or desperate this fall/winter. Fingers crossed. I would be so worried my girls were living in terror.
I do give additional probiotics, because fermenting adds more pre-biotics, some pre-biotics but more yeast & micronutrients (the good kind) but not all of the bacteria that the gut needs to fight off infection and be healthy. 

Adding an additional few strains of probiotics with it, even irregularly, helps round out the flora in the gut. All the other additional things you are giving help in so many other ways too.

One thing I've learned/read/found was to not put their scratch in their container - but to toss it out on the ground & to make them "scratch" for it. That also has them dig up the bugs & worms in the ground. Yes, you do need to do a good worming at least once (preferable twice) a year and make sure that your soil is good quality (if you garden in it, you are ok). The bugs, grubs, etc that they find in the ground is good for them - foraging is a good thing that so many (mainly urban) chicken keepers have removed from their lives.

I guess I had forgotten that fermented feed has prebiotics....I asked about probiotics because we supplement with FORCO, which is manufactured for horses. We have been using with chickens and dogs for a long time, in our family. The feed we use is also chalked full of beneficial bacteria as well. As far as scratch goes, I always toss stuff like that on the ground and all around their run area to keep them active. Our "free range" in a 60sq ft area that is enclosed, an area for small livestock. Next year we will be getting a fence up in the front of the property, then the gang will truly free range around the property, scratching and pecking until their hearts are content.

Don't have any pics to post of my chickens from Meyer's but I can claim from personal experience that I've not lost any stock I've picked up from Meyer Hatchery. I'd rather drive the 2.5 hrs to pick my orders up than having chicks shipped. Next trip to Polk, OH is April 20th. Cream Legbars & Salmon Faverolles to add to my flock. I believe those two will be the two breeds I will attempt to keep (incubate) in future.
from Meyers: Barred Rocks, Black Orpington, Campine, Polish.
Welcome to the board and will look forward to your pics, I love chicken pictures! How old are your girls?

Nancy your hawk scare gave me nightmares last night, there was a hawk and an owl on top of our run during free range time in the dream and I was trying to protect the girls outside and inside the run, one of the raptors went in because the door was open, I rushed over there and miraculously no one was hurt but I did have a pretty white EE in the run, not sure where the hawk went, perhaps it turned into the EE in which case my subconscious mind is pretty awesome, lol. (Actually that dream wasnt nearly as bad as the one I had the night before where my Kindergarten son and I had forgotten he had a book report due! I was scrambling to write it for him and kept him home a day. Finally my own school stress dreams have translated into the realm of parenthood.) We had a hawk stalk our run this summer but none have been so bold or desperate this fall/winter. Fingers crossed. I would be so worried my girls were living in terror.

Your nightmare made me chuckle, love how the hawk might have turned into an all white EE. Might you be secretly be coveting an all white EE? too bad you can't order an all white EE from Meyer.

Going to the mountains for the weekend, first time away from chickens and such. My BF's mom who has chickens, is staying here and taking care of things. I am sure will have some BYC withdrawals. TGIF

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