Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Seems like a good time for an 18 week update!
Pumpkin and Strawberry - wellie and SS Flying up into the grow out pen to roost. I guess I'm building a ramp for them.

Olive - lt brahma. Almost the size of the older girls and Sasperilla.

Sasperilla - cuckoo Marans standing next to the heat lamp (it's only over the waterer to keep it from freezing)

Eggplant - black ameraucana. Looks like Peppy did at this age, minus the giant comb.

Limabean - splash ameraucana My dog has her on alert lol. She's so funny.
Seems like a good time for an 18 week update!
Pumpkin and Strawberry - wellie and SS Flying up into the grow out pen to roost. I guess I'm building a ramp for them.

Olive - lt brahma. Almost the size of the older girls and Sasperilla.

Sasperilla - cuckoo Marans standing next to the heat lamp (it's only over the waterer to keep it from freezing)

Eggplant - black ameraucana. Looks like Peppy did at this age, minus the giant comb.

Limabean - splash ameraucana My dog has her on alert lol. She's so funny.

Eggplant looks just like my Maleficent! Do you know when Ameraucanas start laying? I cannot wait to see their eggs!!

Wanted to show you all my fave little guy Jack, helping me get the babies in the coop for the night. He's holding Bratt (formerly lemon) the dirty Delaware :)

And I was so happy to see all the babies perching since they have been dog piling in a corner at night to sleep
Seems like a good time for an 18 week update!
Pumpkin and Strawberry - wellie and SS Flying up into the grow out pen to roost. I guess I'm building a ramp for them.

Olive - lt brahma. Almost the size of the older girls and Sasperilla.

Sasperilla - cuckoo Marans standing next to the heat lamp (it's only over the waterer to keep it from freezing)

Eggplant - black ameraucana. Looks like Peppy did at this age, minus the giant comb.

Limabean - splash ameraucana My dog has her on alert lol. She's so funny.

Eggplant looks just like my Maleficent! Do you know when Ameraucanas start laying? I cannot wait to see their eggs!!

Wanted to show you all my fave little guy Jack, helping me get the babies in the coop for the night. He's holding Bratt (formerly lemon) the dirty Delaware :)

And I was so happy to see all the babies perching since they have been dog piling in a corner at night to sleep

I thought our two girls looked the same too! Maybe you did get your ameraucana after all. I hear they are later layers, but I think it really depends on bloodlines. My ameraucana roo (From a breeder, not Meyers) took a long time to mature. I'm hoping we won't have to wait too long to find out. :fl
Seems like a good time for an 18 week update!
Pumpkin and Strawberry - wellie and SS Flying up into the grow out pen to roost. I guess I'm building a ramp for them.
So cute and great names!

Eggplant looks just like my Maleficent! Do you know when Ameraucanas start laying? I cannot wait to see their eggs!!

Wanted to show you all my fave little guy Jack, helping me get the babies in the coop for the night. He's holding Bratt (formerly lemon) the dirty Delaware

And I was so happy to see all the babies perching since they have been dog piling in a corner at night to sleep
Jack is adorable! Such a cutie! He must be loving his time with the chickens, he does seem like a natural. Looks like those chicks are finally becoming full fledged chickens up there roosting like the big girls do.

So after much scratching our heads and arguing we finally got the crown molding up!!!




after - no more exhaust pipe and back wall!

another after

I never realized how hard crown molding was to cut and put up, so complicated!!! I am so happy it is done!!!!

On the subject of chickens: I was so excited that I found 4 eggs in the nest boxes on Friday. I thought things were looking better, but yesterday there was no eggs at all!!!???? This morning I found 2 which is better. I think my chickens are teasing me. They are starting to eat a lot more now though and they all except a few look like their molts are almost over and I have a few more squatting.

So hopefully they will pick back up. I did go to TSC and bought the 24% chick starter and I am mixing it with their 16% layer food to help with the protein boost. I have not started giving it to them yet. Today I will refill their feeder with it to see if that helps too.
@LynnEBC I am planning to do the same thing. Going to get some higher protein food to mix with their reg stuff to help them keep going through the winter. I'm also going to give mealworms raising a second chance. I ordered a bunch and the should be here Monday. BTW, I know crown molding is a head scratcher! It looks fabulous! Well worth your efforts.
@LynnEBC I am planning to do the same thing. Going to get some higher protein food to mix with their reg stuff to help them keep going through the winter. I'm also going to give mealworms raising a second chance. I ordered a bunch and the should be here Monday. BTW, I know crown molding is a head scratcher! It looks fabulous! Well worth your efforts.
Good choice. I was trying to make sure that they still ate their calcium and I figured mixing the two would still give them a little boost and keep the calcium in it.

I've been giving them meat scraps and BOSS too. Really just anything now,hoping they start back soon. Last winter they laid all through the winter, but my 16 young ones had just started so that helped. Guess we need to keep adding to the flock every year or every other year.

Yeah, that crown molding can make you feel really stupid. We had a challenge of only having 3 pieces and if we cut one wrong, we'd end up having to buy another and since it came from the cabinet manufacturer, it wasn't cheap. I was so happy we were able to actually make few enough mistakes to not have to buy another piece!

That is one nice kitchen. You will probably have your own HGTV show soon.
Thank you. We've been in this 1964 house for almost 20 years now, so it's been a long time coming!!

Ha, ha, we were wishing that we could get HGTV to come here and just do it for us!
Yes I am! Well I have our five girls first eggs in their own separate bowls or nests which I had out until we started decorating for Christmas. But I want to put them all in little nests and then in shadowboxes this spring like this: I also have a basket full of some of the more colorful eggs I've gotten. You could also turn them into ornaments! Just make sure you squirt water in the inside after you've blow out the liquid to get them clean so they don't smell :)
Thanks, what a cute idea.

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