Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Since I am going to run out of feed before my next order comes in, I bought some 20% feed for the flock. I'll be putting it out today. Really hoping it gets the egg laying going again.

Now I'm dealing with a swollen eye on our lavender orpington. She doesn't show signs of a respiratory infection (no runny nose, no shaking head, eating/drinking fine) so I'm thinking she must've injured it somehow. I was putting medication on it yesterday and she opened it. I couldn't even see her eye, it was just red flesh! Hope she pulls through, she was expensive!

Like I said to Lynn, here is wishing more eggs flowing at your homestead. :fl

@COChix some of our wild turkeys were out this morning when I took kids to school. My iPhone camera was full so I had to use a different one and couldn't zoom in
A record day.... 5 eggs today!!!

After getting 12 to 17 eggs a day in the Summer, I never thought that I would be excited over just five!

Ha, Ha

Thanks everyone for all the egg wishes!!!

I wish everyone else, healthy chickens and many eggs!!!
Ok....I need opinions! I got one egg today BUT it's a different one. I'm trying to not get too excited, but I hesitantly suspect it's from my 18.5 week old cuckoo marans. She's the only young one who looks ready to lay in face and softness of abdomen.

The bottom left egg is from my buff brahma, then Delaware, then ?, and my RIR. These are very typical eggs for them for comparison to the new egg. It's also the darkest egg I've gotten. I'm hoping I can find time to stalk the nest boxes soon!

I'm glad the egg production is increasing for most of us, even if only slowly. I also gave everyone some suet today. Hoping that will give them a boost.
Ok....I need opinions! I got one egg today BUT it's a different one. I'm trying to not get too excited, but I hesitantly suspect it's from my 18.5 week old cuckoo marans. She's the only young one who looks ready to lay in face and softness of abdomen.

The bottom left egg is from my buff brahma, then Delaware, then ?, and my RIR. These are very typical eggs for them for comparison to the new egg. It's also the darkest egg I've gotten. I'm hoping I can find time to stalk the nest boxes soon!

I'm glad the egg production is increasing for most of us, even if only slowly. I also gave everyone some suet today. Hoping that will give them a boost.

The egg I got from our girls yesterday looks similar to your new one. I am thinking it's either our BCM or our BA started back up. I'm hoping BA because it's not as dark as I'd like for the BCM.
Here is an old pic of the BA egg (12:00 position).
@COChix some of our wild turkeys were out this morning when I took kids to school. My iPhone camera was full so I had to use a different one and couldn't zoom in
Beautiful pic, lol on your phone being full with pics.
A record day.... 5 eggs today!!!:weee After getting 12 to 17 eggs a day in the Summer, I never thought that I would be excited over just five! Ha, Ha :D Thanks everyone for all the egg wishes!!! I wish everyone else, healthy chickens and many eggs!!!
Yeah! :weee
Ok....I need opinions! I got one egg today BUT it's a different one. I'm trying to not get too excited, but I hesitantly suspect it's from my 18.5 week old cuckoo marans. She's the only young one who looks ready to lay in face and softness of abdomen.
The bottom left egg is from my buff brahma, then Delaware, then ?, and my RIR. These are very typical eggs for them for comparison to the new egg. It's also the darkest egg I've gotten. I'm hoping I can find time to stalk the nest boxes soon! I'm glad the egg production is increasing for most of us, even if only slowly. I also gave everyone some suet today. Hoping that will give them a boost.
Beautiful eggs, I have no opinion except that is great that your getting a variety of shade of brown.
The egg I got from our girls yesterday looks similar to your new one. I am thinking it's either our BCM or our BA started back up. I'm hoping BA because it's not as dark as I'd like for the BCM. Here is an old pic of the BA egg (12:00 position).
yeah for eggs!
I was right, my BA is the one who has started laying again. I found her in the nest box this morning. Hoping the rest follow suit shortly!
The girl with the swollen eye looks much worse this afternoon. I went to Big R and they didn't have the eye ointment that is recommended on here a lot. I do have some vetricyn spray but I didn't know if that would be ok for her eye. DD and her friend are washing her up right now because she's been wiping the drainage on her shoulder, and putting a warm compress on her eye. She still acts normal and no other chickens are displaying any symptoms of anything. I think we'll leave her inside for now so she'll get treatment multiple times a day and make sure she's getting enough to eat and drink.
I was right, my BA is the one who has started laying again. I found her in the nest box this morning. Hoping the rest follow suit shortly!
The girl with the swollen eye looks much worse this afternoon. I went to Big R and they didn't have the eye ointment that is recommended on here a lot. I do have some vetricyn spray but I didn't know if that would be ok for her eye. DD and her friend are washing her up right now because she's been wiping the drainage on her shoulder, and putting a warm compress on her eye. She still acts normal and no other chickens are displaying any symptoms of anything. I think we'll leave her inside for now so she'll get treatment multiple times a day and make sure she's getting enough to eat and drink. 

Aw, poor thing. Sounds like you're doing the right thing. Hoping she heals up quickly.

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