Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Haha (stolen from another thread)
I was at TSC today. I must have been feeling really desperate for eggs when I picked up the omega egg maker feed. 5lbs for $15. I thought this stuff was feed! Turns out it's a supplement. No wonder! Going to mix it with the new bag of crumbles with some BOSS and see how it goes.
Well, just when I was starting to wonder if Belle was really a late blooming roo or not... SHE LAID AN EGG TODAY!!!

So now all of my girls have laid an egg. Not at the same time, but they are all confirmed layers.

I do have some bittersweet news to report - Poppy (GLW) has been re-homed to a friend's farm. My friend lost all but 1 of her chickens. We think a bear or bobcat came into the backyard & scared them to death. It didn't enter the coop, but she found all of the chickens, except for 1, huddled in a corner dead. Poppy wanted to be at the top of the pecking order, but wasn't and was trying to cause problems - so by moving her over to my friend's she automatically became one of the top chickens. My friend will get more babies this spring, but Poppy's place will be established.

I just ordered 6 Tolbunt Polish hatching eggs which will be mixed frizzle and smooth. Yes, I'm getting an incubator for Christmas and hopefully my frizzle female least 1!!!

Doc McCluckins is driving me insane. Since she started laying, she has become mean as a snake - constantly attacking me everytime i come in the coop. She won't leave the egg basket alone and now is pecking my hands. It might be freezer camp for her if she doesn't cut it out soon.

These are the days of our lives...
Has anyone gotten Doms from Meyer and had them turn out definitely not a Dominique? We have a supposed "Dominique" who has the head of a Sumatra and the body of a Barred Rock, a rose comb, weighs 3 lbs and lays pinkish small eggs.
First Golden Buff egg! It's the dark brown at the bottom. Does anyone else have Golden Buffs that lay this dark? I was quite shocked. There's also dark calcium deposits, but I'm switching over from layer to all flock in preparation for spring ducks and chicks.

Hi Guys!!!!!!

Sorry I've been AWOL.... just busy here.

My chickens are making me crazy..... they've been waking me up at 6 a.m screaming at the top of their lungs!!! I ran out there this morning to see what was going on and they all looked so guilty! It was so funny. I Shusshhhed them up and they all stood there just looking at me ... but maybe that's because I was standing there in 28 degree weather with my hair sticking up all over the place and a blanket wrapped around me cussing them out.

But they weren't just milling around, some were in the rafters of the run, a bunch in the corner and then 4 single file on the plank leading up to the rafters. So I'm wondering if something is scaring them. They were doing the egg song aka warning call and I could hear an owl hooting or it could have been a fox or raccoon. I don't know what it is but I'm terrified my neighbors are going to complain. Maybe 20 chickens is to many for my neighborhood?? May have to make some changes in the spring.

But on a happy note... my little girls are now 20 weeks old and 3 of my 4 GB are def laying... pretty dark brown eggs. here's a pic...

The first pic is a GB egg from today and all my silkie's white eggs from this week and a teeny tiny perfectly round white egg I found in the run yesterday. Maybe from one of my Ex Leghorns? All the brown eggs on the skelter are from my GBs. My 2 BA's are molting like crazy and my EE, Cleo, is looking sad cause she's half naked. My 19 week old OE looks ready to lay, big red comb and screaming up a storm. Only my BO is still looking like she's no where near laying.

First Golden Buff egg! It's the dark brown at the bottom. Does anyone else have Golden Buffs that lay this dark? I was quite shocked. There's also dark calcium deposits, but I'm switching over from layer to all flock in preparation for spring ducks and chicks.

Nice assortment of colors you got there!
I just posted a pic of my GB eggs above... these are my first GB's I've ever had but from what I've seen of others they usually lay nice dark eggs. But their first few eggs are sometimes darkest and then they get a bit lighter. At least that's what happens with my green/brown egg layers.
Has anyone gotten Doms from Meyer and had them turn out definitely not a Dominique? We have a supposed "Dominique" who has the head of a Sumatra and the body of a Barred Rock, a rose comb, weighs 3 lbs and lays pinkish small eggs.
That sounds interesting... do you have a pic?

Haha (stolen from another thread)
I LOVE that!!!!
Well, just when I was starting to wonder if Belle was really a late blooming roo or not... SHE LAID AN EGG TODAY!!!

So now all of my girls have laid an egg. Not at the same time, but they are all confirmed layers.

I do have some bittersweet news to report - Poppy (GLW) has been re-homed to a friend's farm. My friend lost all but 1 of her chickens. We think a bear or bobcat came into the backyard & scared them to death. It didn't enter the coop, but she found all of the chickens, except for 1, huddled in a corner dead. Poppy wanted to be at the top of the pecking order, but wasn't and was trying to cause problems - so by moving her over to my friend's she automatically became one of the top chickens. My friend will get more babies this spring, but Poppy's place will be established.

I just ordered 6 Tolbunt Polish hatching eggs which will be mixed frizzle and smooth. Yes, I'm getting an incubator for Christmas and hopefully my frizzle female least 1!!!

Doc McCluckins is driving me insane. Since she started laying, she has become mean as a snake - constantly attacking me everytime i come in the coop. She won't leave the egg basket alone and now is pecking my hands. It might be freezer camp for her if she doesn't cut it out soon.

These are the days of our lives...
Oh my gosh... I've never heard of that before... how horrible for your friend. And obviously her chickens. That was so nice of you to give her Poppy. I had to look up Tolbunt Polish... wow, very pretty!!! Where are you getting eggs? From a breeder? Good luck with hatching. I hope you keep us posted on how it goes. I'm not ready for an incubator (yet).
Egg laying sure does change a few chickens personalities. Hope Doc McCluckins calms down for you. Maybe try carrying her around under your arm while you do your chicken chores so she knows you are boss?

@LynnEBC Love your kitchen pics and so glad you're getting more eggs now... how is it going this weekend with egg count??

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Off to wrap presents and bake cookies.
Love those eggs!

Update on the eye problem. The chicken has been inside for the last couple days. We've been putting medicine on it but it kept getting worse. I would open the eye but it was just red, nothing else. DD just brought her downstairs about 5 min ago and said, "look". The chicken's eye was half white. We brought her into my bathroom and put a q-tip of Vet Rx up into the roof of her mouth like I had read somewhere on BYC. The white stuff started coming out more. I brushed it with a tissue and a big chunk came out. Then the whole eye turned white. I squeezed her eye and a marble sized hard chunk came popping out. So gross but I'm sure she feels a ton better! We put medicine back on it and still have her inside. Hopefully it will clear up now.

Here is the chunk that came out. I couldn't find anything in my bathroom to give it scale except a fat hair tie thingy.
Love those eggs! [COLOR=333333]Update on the eye problem. The chicken has been inside for the last couple days. We've been putting medicine on it but it kept getting worse. I would open the eye but it was just red, nothing else. DD just brought her downstairs about 5 min ago and said, "look". The chicken's eye was half white. We brought her into my bathroom and put a q-tip of Vet Rx up into the roof of her mouth like I had read somewhere on BYC. The white stuff started coming out more. I brushed it with a tissue and a big chunk came out. Then the whole eye turned white. I squeezed her eye and a marble sized hard chunk came popping out. So gross but I'm sure she feels a ton better! We put medicine back on it and still have her inside. Hopefully it will clear up now. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Here is the chunk that came out. I couldn't find anything in my bathroom to give it scale except a fat hair tie thingy. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
Holly gross batman! Do you think it is debris that got hardened with puss around it?
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Love those eggs! [COLOR=333333]Update on the eye problem. The chicken has been inside for the last couple days. We've been putting medicine on it but it kept getting worse. I would open the eye but it was just red, nothing else. DD just brought her downstairs about 5 min ago and said, "look". The chicken's eye was half white. We brought her into my bathroom and put a q-tip of Vet Rx up into the roof of her mouth like I had read somewhere on BYC. The white stuff started coming out more. I brushed it with a tissue and a big chunk came out. Then the whole eye turned white. I squeezed her eye and a marble sized hard chunk came popping out. So gross but I'm sure she feels a ton better! We put medicine back on it and still have her inside. Hopefully it will clear up now. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Here is the chunk that came out. I couldn't find anything in my bathroom to give it scale except a fat hair tie thingy. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
I cannot use the words of exclamation that just came out of my mouth! That is huge! I bet she's feeling so much better already, and will be back to her old self soon.
Love those eggs!

Update on the eye problem. The chicken has been inside for the last couple days. We've been putting medicine on it but it kept getting worse. I would open the eye but it was just red, nothing else. DD just brought her downstairs about 5 min ago and said, "look". The chicken's eye was half white. We brought her into my bathroom and put a q-tip of Vet Rx up into the roof of her mouth like I had read somewhere on BYC. The white stuff started coming out more. I brushed it with a tissue and a big chunk came out. Then the whole eye turned white. I squeezed her eye and a marble sized hard chunk came popping out. So gross but I'm sure she feels a ton better! We put medicine back on it and still have her inside. Hopefully it will clear up now.

Here is the chunk that came out. I couldn't find anything in my bathroom to give it scale except a fat hair tie thingy.
Holy heck.... that's bizarre!!! So you put the q-tip on the roof of her mouth and this came out of her eye???? Crazy stuff there... So glad you got that out of her.
How is she today??

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