Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

I ordered the chicken fountain on Sunday. It's here already! I'm so excited; I don't know if I'll sleep tonight.

Which one did you get?? Isn't it awesome!!!

I got the mega! It's beautiful. I wish it wasn't dark or raining right now, or I'd be setting it up. I got the heater accessory kit and the remote additive system. I ordered the heater separately because they were out of stock. I'm so excited to not have to worry about watering them.
Hey gang,

So we still have been wondering about the breed of a couple of our black/brown girls. We thought cornish, but now I am wondering specifically about two of them. Does anyone have a GLW from Meyer and if so could you post some pics.
Here is the girl in question, I am leaning more towards a GLW., the Meyer person thought GLW or Barnevelder. She lays cream colored eggs.

And now I have to vent for a second, last week sucked the big one. I rear ended someone last week and crunched my BF truck. He was not too happy about that, bent the bumper in. I wasn't injured, the lady went to urgent care for a concussion and a neck injury, she is claiming. She also disclosed to me that she had just spent 8 months recovering from whiplash. The insurance company said his rates will go up, but I will pay the difference. The other thing I found out is I might be facing another surgery, this time for my wrist. Had MRI done of hand and neck due to pain and swelling in my right arm. The results are not good, have osteoarthritis in my thumb and the bones in my forearm didn't grow to same length, one bone is longer than the other and is pushing on other bones in my hand. I also have a tear in some ligaments as well. From what I have read the procedure I might have to go through is an Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy, basically they go in a shave down the longer bone or cut out a piece to make the bones the same length. I think then it is either a cast or pins and cage, inactivity for something like 6 weeks. I am in process of scheduling with four different hand surgeons to see what my options are. It is caused by several things, fracture in the growth plate of wrist and the bones don't grow evenly, undue load and pressure on wrists (such as gymnastics) and trauma's from falls. Well I have had all three of these things, plus a ski thumb injury and a green stick break to my forearm. Not sure how to deal with the news right now, just feel a bit discouraged.
I'm not sure what they are but I agree... very pretty. I love the black/brown contrast.
I'm so sorry you are having these health issues. And the accident too. The only thing I can suggest is to get a lot of professional opinions and become as knowledgable as you can before you make any decision. But it sounds like you are doing that. It does sound discouraging and healing after an injury is such a drag. Keep us posted... sending you well wishes.

Finally back home...always nice to be home.

Did you ever figure out what was up with your chickens in the early morning?

I love the pics of your skelter. I'll just imagine it is mine. We did get 5 eggs yesterday, so the production is slowly picking up. Only one that looks like they are still molting is my Golden Campine, the rest look like they are filling in with feathers. They are all so pretty now, I need to get outside with my camera and take some nice pics of all of them. Probably after all the relatives leave on the weekend.

I am finishing up the kitchen "still". These finishing touches seem to last forever! We have family coming in on Christmas day and then more on the weekend, then after that we will be alone for the New Year. I can't believe we are already at the end of this year.

Oh, over the weekend we went to my oldest son's and they had a gender reveal party. (Never heard of those, when I had kids!) Turns out we will have our 1st grandson in June!!!

and our first granddaughter will be born at the end of March from my younger son and his wife!!! So we'll have one of each!!!!!!

and here I was so excited over chicks!!! I will be getting some of those too in 2015 though!!
FIRST ... Congrats on one of each!!!! How exciting. You are going to have a busy spring/summer!! No, we never had reveal parties either. Or a Push present!!! Girls today are spoiled LOL. Actually, I'm just jealous. Haha. Did they reveal the sex in a fun way?
As far as my girls screaming in the early hours... I think it's animals scaring them. I was out there yesterday and another hawk did a fly by and landed on the coop roof for just a second and just pushed off and flew into the trees to watch them. It was a huge hawk. Sadly, my girls don't go out at all now. The hawks are absolutely crazy. So many. I can hear them or see them every time I go outside. Anyway, when it landed on the coop roof I was in the run and it was so loud the girls started running everywhere and then started that warning call/egg song. So I think that's what's going on.

My OE laid her first egg today and it's OLIVE!! It was small so I'm thinking after a few more eggs and they start getting bigger it might just turn to a regular green egg but we'll see. At least it's not brown.

At least one of my Ex Leghorn is laying, maybe both, and 3 of my 4 GB for sure. But next winter I will be in the same boat as you with the molting and no eggs. I'll be drooling over your skelter I'm sure. But I know I'll always have a few GB from now on. Although people say theirs are quiet... mine are kinda loud. But I think my older girls are loud and they taught the younger ones to be vocal. At least that's what it seems like to me.

The idea is that any water left in the hose would expand when freezing, pushing back on the valve of the spigot or within the house if the valve is open. This could crack the spigot, the valve, or the interior pipes. If it's a spigot on the outside of the house and the valve is closed and hose disconnected, the heat within the house should keep the pipes from freezing. I'm not familiar with the chicken fountain, but running water will general not freeze. I'm actually renovating an old farmhouse that has no insulation. We have a heater running in the basement to keep the well tanks from freezing, but last winter the junction box for the barns and exterior spigot froze and broke. But the junction is underneath a manhole, so it isn't protected with earth. I will be using heat wrap on the barn spigots next winter.
Thank you for this explanation. It was so cold here last winter we had some pipes freeze in the house and we're living in it!! They run along an outside wall and we don't use the bathroom often where the pipes run. We got extremely lucky they didn't burst. I could hear them 'defrosting' and the water beginning to move right through the walls! Could have been a nightmare.

I ordered the chicken fountain on Sunday. It's here already! I'm so excited; I don't know if I'll sleep tonight.

I got the mega! It's beautiful. I wish it wasn't dark or raining right now, or I'd be setting it up. I got the heater accessory kit and the remote additive system. I ordered the heater separately because they were out of stock. I'm so excited to not have to worry about watering them.
I'm sure we don't have to tell you we want to see pics!!!
I'm not sure what they are but I agree... very pretty. I love the black/brown contrast.
I'm so sorry you are having these health issues. And the accident too. The only thing I can suggest is to get a lot of professional opinions and become as knowledgable as you can before you make any decision. But it sounds like you are doing that. It does sound discouraging and healing after an injury is such a drag. Keep us posted... sending you well wishes.

FIRST ... Congrats on one of each!!!! How exciting. You are going to have a busy spring/summer!! No, we never had reveal parties either. Or a Push present!!! Girls today are spoiled LOL. Actually, I'm just jealous. Haha. Did they reveal the sex in a fun way?
As far as my girls screaming in the early hours... I think it's animals scaring them. I was out there yesterday and another hawk did a fly by and landed on the coop roof for just a second and just pushed off and flew into the trees to watch them. It was a huge hawk. Sadly, my girls don't go out at all now. The hawks are absolutely crazy. So many. I can hear them or see them every time I go outside. Anyway, when it landed on the coop roof I was in the run and it was so loud the girls started running everywhere and then started that warning call/egg song. So I think that's what's going on.

My OE laid her first egg today and it's OLIVE!! It was small so I'm thinking after a few more eggs and they start getting bigger it might just turn to a regular green egg but we'll see. At least it's not brown.

At least one of my Ex Leghorn is laying, maybe both, and 3 of my 4 GB for sure. But next winter I will be in the same boat as you with the molting and no eggs. I'll be drooling over your skelter I'm sure. But I know I'll always have a few GB from now on. Although people say theirs are quiet... mine are kinda loud. But I think my older girls are loud and they taught the younger ones to be vocal. At least that's what it seems like to me.

Thank you for this explanation. It was so cold here last winter we had some pipes freeze in the house and we're living in it!! They run along an outside wall and we don't use the bathroom often where the pipes run. We got extremely lucky they didn't burst. I could hear them 'defrosting' and the water beginning to move right through the walls! Could have been a nightmare.

I'm sure we don't have to tell you we want to see pics!!!

yeah for an olive egg! Talk about wanting to see pics!

Watch out for those hawks, landing in a nearby tree or rooftop is how they hunt. They'll watch for one to be on it's own, then swoop down and land on it. Your girls are in a covered run though, right?

We had a really windy day here today. The snow was blowing everywhere causing drifts. We had a huge one by the chicken run, at least 3 ft tall. So glad the previous owner put up a snow fence to keep that snow from blowing right into the chicken run. None of the chickens came out that I saw though. Even the horses stayed in their stall most of the day. It was freezing! Really hoping it warms up tomorrow so I can get some last few things done before our trip.
Little bit on freezing water pipes. We have a hundred yr old house with a partial stone basement, never had our pipes freeze, just need to make sure you have no air leaks, we have no insulation in our cellar but gets no 'breeze'. Outside water faucet is a outdoor one, it seals inside the house, not on the spiget. We had no problems and we averaged below zero and -25 windchill last winter, never left our water trickling. If you use one that seals on the spiget it will freeze outside and the ice will follow inside and cause problems.
You can also use a outside freezeless hydrant. My father in law has one
that feeds a camper for guys that come up to hunt in the middle of winter. They hook up a short hose and lift up on the handle, instant water, when there done useing water shut the handle and the water is sucked back down the spiget underground four feet deep into gravel. Some people hook it straight into their well, and is emptied back into the caseing, his is attached to his line four feet deep and then releaves into the ground. And yes all hoses outside must be drained.

This is a outside freeze proof hydrant.
Little bit on freezing water pipes. We have a hundred yr old house with a partial stone basement, never had our pipes freeze, just need to make sure you have no air leaks, we have no insulation in our cellar but gets no 'breeze'. Outside water faucet is a outdoor one, it seals inside the house, not on the spiget. We had no problems and we averaged below zero and -25 windchill last winter, never left our water trickling. If you use one that seals on the spiget it will freeze outside and the ice will follow inside and cause problems.
You can also use a outside freezeless hydrant. My father in law has one
that feeds a camper for guys that come up to hunt in the middle of winter. They hook up a short hose and lift up on the handle, instant water, when there done useing water shut the handle and the water is sucked back down the spiget underground four feet deep into gravel. Some people hook it straight into their well, and is emptied back into the caseing, his is attached to his line four feet deep and then releaves into the ground. And yes all hoses outside must be drained.

This is a outside freeze proof hydrant.

This is exactly what we have out near the animal area. Just make sure you take the hose off for freezing weather. The air needs to get back into the pipe in order for the water to flow back out.
If you have a spigot that comes from the house make sure it is one like this, the valve is at the end inside the house. Again, no hoses attached so the air can go in.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a Hoppy New Year!

Aww, so cute! We had a pet duch rabbit in the house when we were kids. Dad litter box trained it with a cat litter box with hardware cloth on top. It would chase a ball like a dog too, but never did fetch and bring it back Lol.
Merry Christmas everyone.
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