Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

Gah a couple hours ago I started doubting myself and pulled up The Chicken Chicks page on Egg Binding, I didn't think Morgaine's stiff walking is what a wattling egg bound hen would look like but what do I know? And it would explain all the sitting and the watery droppings and droopy comb. Of course she is eating and drinking fine and not straining but that enough symptoms right? And she could perish in 24 to 48 hours, what had it been already 36? So off I drove to CVS to buy calcium tablets and a syringe and I prepared a warm bath which once I got her settled she actually seemed to like, she soaked her bottom for the recommended 20 mins. Then bundled in a towel I laid her down to massage her vent, she was doing fine but all it seemed to loosen up were her bowels. Several glove changes later and she was no longer relaxed, repeat soaking and massaging but she wasn't pleased, so I got out the blow dryer and after a little bit of trepidation she settled down and closed her eyes while I dried her feathers, then I put my poor harassed girl back to bed in the brooder. We'll see what tomorrow brings, wish I had thought to do all this yesterday morning, not at night. Sigh. Goodnight.
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Hope everyone's chickens bounce back. Our girl with the eye is still having trouble but nothing like before.

I just thought I'd give everyone an update on our disaster. I don't want to retype it all. Not trying to make a plea for money from you guys, but our story is up on if you are interested in reading about it and seeing pics (I forgot to put pics of our bedroom/bathroom which had the wood floors cut out of them). I don't know how much I'll post in the next week or so, but I'm trying to keep up with my reading. If you can share the campaign I'd be grateful.
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At times like these I break out my "chicken health for dummies" book. It breaks down symptoms and gives common and uncommon causes.
For diarrhea:

It also says care should include separating affected chicken, drying out a wet coop/run, cleaning waterers, changing feed if you suspect mold, watching for vent prolapse, adding 2 tbs of vinegar per gallon of water, and can't hurt to give yogurt or probiotics. Hope this helps!
I had a record breaking day today... 14 eggs!!! I have 20 hens ranging from 23 weeks old to almost 2 yrs old. And one of the eggs was 2.9 oz!! That might be a record too. 3 of my 5 oldest girls are still molting but the other 2 gave me eggs today! I'm going to have to get a few more people to sell to if this keeps up.
Heres a pic of my egg basket today...

Getting hit with the cold tomorrow. Guess I can't complain since it is January and so far it's better than last year!! Next time it will be above freezing temps will be Friday

I would love to but we keep our house way to cold to do it. Even the basement gets pretty cool.

Stinkin' hawks. Are you free ranging them now? I remember you stopped for a while.
Are you planning on ordering chicks from Meyer or are you buying from a TSC near you?

Hopefully Morgaine is on the mend. Brrrr 14 degrees!! that's on the way here the next few days. My girls did fine last winter and it was an awful winter but now I have a few Mediterranean
breeds so we'll see if they know to stay in the coop if it's to cold. Love that you can grind your own food... lucky girls!!
Your eggs are beautiful!!! I keep my house cool as well, but my laundry room is always a little warmer due to constant use LOL. They seem to really like it in there.
BTW, if anyone on this thread wants the remote additive system for the chicken fountain, I'm willing to give mine away for the cost of shipping. I realize I just do not need it. I will probably post it for sale in the BST area if there are no takers here. Just wanted to offer it to my favorite peeps first!
Hope everyone's chickens bounce back. Our girl with the eye is still having trouble but nothing like before.

I just thought I'd give everyone an update on our disaster. I don't want to retype it all. Not trying to make a plea for money from you guys, but our story is up on if you are interested in reading about it and seeing pics (I forgot to put pics of our bedroom/bathroom which had the wood floors cut out of them). I don't know how much I'll post in the next week or so, but I'm trying to keep up with my reading. If you can share the campaign I'd be grateful.
:( So sorry to hear about your devastating flood. Insurance can be such a pain and they never seem to cover enough. Wishing you the best of luck on your campaign and recovery of your home.
:( So sorry to hear about your devastating flood. Insurance can be such a pain and they never seem to cover enough. Wishing you the best of luck on your campaign and recovery of your home.

Thanks. To top it off we just found out DH isn't qualified for unemployment because he quit his job before this one because of personal reasons (his supervisor was a jerk). So even though he was laid off through no fault of his own at this job, he only gets 2 weeks of unemployment. Argh! So frustrating how when it rains it pours!

On a chicken note... we've had a lot of snow recently and the last 2 days have been warm causing it all to melt. Everything is a wet mess in the chicken area. I need to get more straw but hate putting it in my vehicle but the trailer is buried under snow still.
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Thanks. To top it off we just found out DH isn't qualified for unemployment because he quit his job before this one because of personal reasons (his supervisor was a jerk). So even though he was laid off through no fault of his own at this job, he only gets 2 weeks of unemployment. Argh! So frustrating how when it rains it pours!

On a chicken note... we've had a lot of snow recently and the last 2 days have been warm causing it all to melt. Everything is a wet mess in the chicken area. I need to get more straw but hate putting it in my vehicle but the trailer is buried under snow still.
That is ridiculous! How is that even relevant or legal? I hear you on the muddy run, through we just got our snow the other day and its freezing.

Victoria keeping Morgaine company. She was hiding out in the nest box for the last couple days anyway. The other three are laying well.
Meyers had me send more pics of Isis. They're saying maybe an Easter egger (which she does NOT look like) or black orpington ?
I think she looks like my other black AM except the comb, or an australorpe

In this pic she looks a lot like our BA. What color legs and soles of her feet does she have?
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