Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

If you can narrow it down to a manageable number of possible hens you can always use the food coloring in the vent trick. lol

Once I don't have restrictions for my wrist, I want to do the egg dye on vents so I an see production of our girls.

With my 10 girls, I should have kept better track of who it was. But as soon as I was about to do it, it stopped. Are any of your girls molting?

We have had some going through soft molts throughout this winter at different times.

Thanks guys
I repair analytical instruments so I travel to labs all over the place. I'm over it. I am in the process of writing a new job description for myself to see if my boss will accept it and get me out of the field so much but writing like that is not my strong point so it's taking me longer than I'd like. I'm not good at fluffing things up to sound important. lol

So true! I was in PA this morning and just walking from the rental car to their building my hands were numb and my face was stinging. It was bitterly cold! I'm glad I'm back in toasty CO. It's 64 here! I'm sure we'll get a couple more cold fronts before this winter is over but for now I'm really enjoying the spring weather.
I hope you can get a job closer to home. I bet theres tons of resume writing tips on the computer you can google. Fingers crossed for you.
Crazy ... it's like our weather has flipped. We woke up to .9 degrees yesterday with windchill of -35
Coldest weather since the 1880's

That last part made me smile. Can't help but love even the unfriendly ones, for all their personality quirks.

Ooo I want a barn job! Husband said I should get one. But, no I'm sure it's really hard work and I wouldn't want to do it in extreme temps either.

Aww that's good to hear that you still have her and she gets along well with her sisters. I would love to see a recent pic of her if you get the chance, though I realize she may be hard to snap a photo of. I remember you saying she was a very difficult broody but I didn't know she was afraid of you. Clara is definitely our most skittish, she does squat for us if she accidentally finds herself at our feet, but tries to avoid us if possible, even hanging back a bit when I give them treats. But we've had a few bonding moments: when she was sick as a juvenile and when she came to me to lay her first few eggs.

Clara was the only one to lay today, a really long skinny one, may be a double yoker, we'll see. Guess today is Amelia's day off for February, she and Baby both laid late yesterday. But I finally have over a dozen eggs again, so I'm happy. Can't wait for March, new chicks and hopefully no more single digits and negative temps. Remind me, are you getting babies this year or skipping?
We just really lucked out with this barn job. I've known the owner for 15 years because our boys went through school together. My nephew got the job first then my son then my other son and now I help too since the 2 older boys are away at college. And the boys still have a job when they come back for winter/summer break because I let them take over. She told us the last 2 days not to come in because of the extreme cold so that was nice!
I feed my girls warm wet feed every morning out of my hand because then I can give them all a look over and even Cleo eats out of my hand. But beyond that, she doesn't let me touch her or handle her. I took a pic yesterday but it's not great... they were all huddled all day in the cold...

Cleo is in the front, middle one is BeeBee an EE an last one is Lola an EE from Ideal.

We're finally able to give eggs away again too. My son is picking up 9 1/2 dozen today. So nice to see the frig and skelter full. We're starting to get back to an average of 10 to 13 a day now.

I wonder the same for our area. The TSC we go to has swaps too but I have never known about them in time to go.

We're getting hit with this terrible weather in NC now too. We had terrible 45 to 55 mph wind gusts last night, freezing cold all this week, so I'll have to keep lugging out water each hour or so to the coop. The chicken fountain will handle a few hours below freezing with the bird bath heater, but continuous below freezing temps the nipples stay frozen.

We're due for freezing rain, snow, etc. Monday and Tuesday. I can imagine a lot of you will be hit even harder. I think this is winter's last big hit for us, we have been fortunate so far. I do love snow though, so I have mixed feelings. Especially when I am going out in freezing temps every few hours to insure the ladies have fresh water.

Sorry to be MIA for awhile a lot of family stuff going on and keeping me way too busy!
Wow.... 9 1/2 dz to give away!!! That's great! That's great to hear they are laying so well... some are almost 2 yrs old and a few over 2??

How is the weather there? Did you get ice or snow? We got 5 inches last night into today but it's going to warm up to the 30's for 2 days then icy plunge again into the teens for 2 days. You know it's bad when I'm seriously happy to see the 30's! But that's just during the day.

I have question for everyone else that I have been trying to research why some of our egg yolks break easily, like when they hit the frying pan and others don't. Some of the suggestions have been pointed to a protein deficiency, the hen might be molting, they aren't getting enough variety in diet,etc.

I want to ask here hoping someone can help me with this question. Our girls are 9 months old and we have a mixed flock as far as breeds go. Thanks!
I have no suggestions, sorry. I haven't noticed this issue yet.

I contacted a BYCer about her wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana eggs. You know, those amazingly blue ones. Anyhow, I know I want to throw some of my own eggs in there too. Is it too early for me to try to hatch the younger group's eggs? They've been laying since early January. So....this leads me to millions of genetic questions! But I figure, for the most part, I could have BBS ameraucanas, EES, and OEs. Oh and the wheatens. How am I going to limit myself? I guess THAT is the real question!
I LOVE the Wheatens!!!! They are gorgeous birds AND eggs. If it works out maybe we can get the BYCer's name to get some as well!! Or maybe you will eventually be selling their eggs/chicks??

My Meyer hatchery dark Cornish with her new brood.
Neat. I still have not tried this yet but really want too!

I have question for everyone else that I have been trying to research why some of our egg yolks break easily, like when they hit the frying pan and others don't. Some of the suggestions have been pointed to a protein deficiency, the hen might be molting, they aren't getting enough variety in diet,etc.

I want to ask here hoping someone can help me with this question. Our girls are 9 months old and we have a mixed flock as far as breeds go. Thanks!
We have weird eggs every once in a while. I have noticed a couple when cracking having the white so thick that it is hard to get out of the shell and every once in a while a yolk that breaks but not too often. If an egg looks too weird or has a blood spot, I give it to Maxie, our dog. I also give her any cracked ones. She loves it when that happens!

I don't worry too much about it since it does not happen too often. I think I have noticed it more so in the winter though.

I contacted a BYCer about her wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana eggs. You know, those amazingly blue ones. Anyhow, I know I want to throw some of my own eggs in there too. Is it too early for me to try to hatch the younger group's eggs? They've been laying since early January. So....this leads me to millions of genetic questions! But I figure, for the most part, I could have BBS ameraucanas, EES, and OEs. Oh and the wheatens. How am I going to limit myself? I guess THAT is the real question!
Nice! I'd love to hatch some of those too! Of course, I have never done that either. That'll be my next step, hatching eggs or putting some under a broody. Or maybe just sneaking some chicks under a broody. I have to take things a little at a time so my family does not think I have gone too crazy. I may already be past that point though!

Once I don't have restrictions for my wrist, I want to do the egg dye on vents so I an see production of our girls.
We have had some going through soft molts throughout this winter at different times.

Thanks guys
You'll have to document how you do this with pics so we can see. I hope you're healing okay and quickly.

I hope you can get a job closer to home. I bet theres tons of resume writing tips on the computer you can google. Fingers crossed for you.
Crazy ... it's like our weather has flipped. We woke up to .9 degrees yesterday with windchill of -35
Coldest weather since the 1880's

We just really lucked out with this barn job. I've known the owner for 15 years because our boys went through school together. My nephew got the job first then my son then my other son and now I help too since the 2 older boys are away at college. And the boys still have a job when they come back for winter/summer break because I let them take over. She told us the last 2 days not to come in because of the extreme cold so that was nice!
I feed my girls warm wet feed every morning out of my hand because then I can give them all a look over and even Cleo eats out of my hand. But beyond that, she doesn't let me touch her or handle her. I took a pic yesterday but it's not great... they were all huddled all day in the cold...

Cleo is in the front, middle one is BeeBee an EE an last one is Lola an EE from Ideal.

Wow.... 9 1/2 dz to give away!!! That's great! That's great to hear they are laying so well... some are almost 2 yrs old and a few over 2??

How is the weather there? Did you get ice or snow? We got 5 inches last night into today but it's going to warm up to the 30's for 2 days then icy plunge again into the teens for 2 days. You know it's bad when I'm seriously happy to see the 30's! But that's just during the day.

I have no suggestions, sorry. I haven't noticed this issue yet.

I LOVE the Wheatens!!!! They are gorgeous birds AND eggs. If it works out maybe we can get the BYCer's name to get some as well!! Or maybe you will eventually be selling their eggs/chicks??
The weather has flipped here too. We finally got a little snow but sadly we got ice too. I had to hammer away at the run door to get inside the run to check their water. The latch was solid ice. It is now 26 degrees and they are finally venturing out to free range. We fixed up a big area away from the house and gardens so they can free range when we are home during the day.

We're supposed to warm up some today and then drop back down too in a couple days.

Love the pic of your poofed up chickens, so cute. Yeah some of ours are over 2 years now, 6 of them, the "originals". The others will be 2 in July. We really should get a few chicks this year. Their food is needing to be restocked soon, plus I have a 10% off coupon to use at TSC and they have chicks, so I will be going there within the next week or so...hopefully I can resist the urge and not get any. I probably will wait until mid March though, when it is warmer.
Neat. I still have not tried this yet but really want too!

We have weird eggs every once in a while. I have noticed a couple when cracking having the white so thick that it is hard to get out of the shell and every once in a while a yolk that breaks but not too often. If an egg looks too weird or has a blood spot, I give it to Maxie, our dog. I also give her any cracked ones. She loves it when that happens!

I don't worry too much about it since it does not happen too often. I think I have noticed it more so in the winter though.

Nice! I'd love to hatch some of those too! Of course, I have never done that either. That'll be my next step, hatching eggs or putting some under a broody. Or maybe just sneaking some chicks under a broody. I have to take things a little at a time so my family does not think I have gone too crazy. I may already be past that point though!

You'll have to document how you do this with pics so we can see. I hope you're healing okay and quickly.

The weather has flipped here too. We finally got a little snow but sadly we got ice too. I had to hammer away at the run door to get inside the run to check their water. The latch was solid ice. It is now 26 degrees and they are finally venturing out to free range. We fixed up a big area away from the house and gardens so they can free range when we are home during the day.

We're supposed to warm up some today and then drop back down too in a couple days.

Love the pic of your poofed up chickens, so cute. Yeah some of ours are over 2 years now, 6 of them, the "originals". The others will be 2 in July. We really should get a few chicks this year. Their food is needing to be restocked soon, plus I have a 10% off coupon to use at TSC and they have chicks, so I will be going there within the next week or so...hopefully I can resist the urge and not get any. I probably will wait until mid March though, when it is warmer.
You better bring someone with you to the TSC!!! Especially with a coupon.
I can hear you now... " let's see, I can get 6 chicks but since I have a coupon it's like I'm getting 2 free so I'll get 8. But if one ends up being a rooster then it's only 7 and I could lose a few in the cold so I better get 10. Ahhh, let's make it a dozen. Or a baker's dozen"
Well, that would be me anyway!!!
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You better bring someone with you to the TSC!!! Especially with a coupon.
I can hear you now... " let's see, I can get 6 chicks but since I have a coupon it's like I'm getting 2 free so I'll get 8. But if one ends up being a rooster then it's only 7 and I could lose a few in the cold so I better get 10. Ahhh, let's make it a dozen. Or a baker's dozen"
Well, that would be me anyway!!!
Me too! I want a shirt that says....
I'm having trouble keeping up with the conversation all of a sudden. Doing all of this on my phone doesn't help, but I am hoping to get eggs from lark rise. She has amazing blue eggs from her wheatens. I guarantee I will be posting pics, don't worry! I'm hoping to sell some of these and I plan on setting some of my own eggs in hopes of selling those little ones. And I have fed suet to my chickens during their molting period. I'm not sure if it made any difference for them, but they certainly enjoyed it. I wouldn't give it regularly, but I don't see what difference it makes when some people feed any type of leftovers.
I'm having trouble keeping up with the conversation all of a sudden. Doing all of this on my phone doesn't help, but I am hoping to get eggs from lark rise. She has amazing blue eggs from her wheatens. I guarantee I will be posting pics, don't worry! I'm hoping to sell some of these and I plan on setting some of my own eggs in hopes of selling those little ones. And I have fed suet to my chickens during their molting period. I'm not sure if it made any difference for them, but they certainly enjoyed it. I wouldn't give it regularly, but I don't see what difference it makes when some people feed any type of leftovers.
Very excited for you! We aren't ready to hatch at this stage in our life/living situation but Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas are at the top of my list. I especially love the Splash Wheatens :) I also want Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Marans.

Photo Bev Davis
I just got my shipment of chicks from meyer today, was supposed to be 15 light brahma pullets, but they only sent 13 chicks for some reason, so I've contacted them. But they are adorable and very feisty already. As soon as they were in the brooder they were running around and trying to eat everything in sight.
I just got my shipment of chicks from meyer today, was supposed to be 15 light brahma pullets, but they only sent 13 chicks for some reason, so I've contacted them. But they are adorable and very feisty already. As soon as they were in the brooder they were running around and trying to eat everything in sight.

Ooo pics please! We are getting a light brahma chick in March, husband's pick but I'm excited! I noticed in your signature that you have other brahma chicks. May I ask how old they are and where they are from? I would love a buff laced brahma one day and I really like the look of dark brahmas too!

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