Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

That's definitely very true too. I feel like everything has a risk but also benefits.

But at the same time, I feel like good breeders take a lot of care and the birds should theoretically be healthy. It's still a risk but like I would never just get them off Craigslist or something, I'd find a good breeder probably or even ask on here. It's still a risk and more expensive but I figure it's worth it. That said, since I don't really have a need for a specific breed or show quality or anything, I'll probably just go to our local feed store instead of a breeder
We just had that happen. Got birds off craigslist and they were sick or a carrier because I got one hen sick right away but separated her. My parents whole flock got sick. And still are
Makes me sooo angry that not only did we get our flockz sick but we also had bantams and not a standred breed.. VERY upset about it
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We just had that happen. Got birds off craigslist and they were sick or a carrier because I got one hen sick right away but separated her. My parents whole flock got sick. And still are
Makes me sooo angry that not only did we get our flockz sick but we also had bantams and not a standred breed.. VERY upset about it

Most people on cl sell sick or diseased or they dont care.
We just had that happen. Got birds off craigslist and they were sick or a carrier because I got one hen sick right away but separated her. My parents whole flock got sick. And still are
Makes me sooo angry that not only did we get our flockz sick but we also had bantams and not a standred breed.. VERY upset about it

Wow that sucks I'm sorry. :(

Most people on cl sell sick or diseased or they dont care.

That's exactly why I won't buy from CL lol
I am new to chickens and I just had this happen in September .. Very very upsetting and the birds smelled AWFUL.. I bathed them all. Gave all away except the one she didn't lie about. And I half wonder if he's a carrier . I hope and pray that all my parents flock gets better soon. And no more catch it in my flock... Sadly this lady LOOKED like a person you could trust
I am new to chickens and I just had this happen in September .. Very very upsetting and the birds smelled AWFUL.. I bathed them all. Gave all away except the one she didn't lie about. And I half wonder if he's a carrier . I hope and pray that all my parents flock gets better soon. And no more catch it in my flock... Sadly this lady LOOKED like a person you could trust

Oh wow, that's awful. I'm really sorry. :/ we're new too, our first chicks should arrive next week, but i've seen stories and CL in general, not just chickens, is shady :/ the pet section is especially notorious though. Lots of untrained dogs or kittens with fleas, etc. Now there's tons of scams too and they don't even give you a pet or will say it's a Maine Coon, Ragdoll, etc., when really it's just a long haired cat or mutt at most. Same for Russian Blue cats. Or they say theyre fully vetted and they either aren't at all or they got one shot or one flea treatment no shots or they took ONE kitten and DID fully vet it but will then photocopy the records and try to say ALL the kittens are fully vetted. It's sad really. And then it's $100 or $150 or evem just $50 for a sick cat. I understand vets cost a lot and I would be fine if the kitten was not fully vetted as long as it was not blatantly sick but why lie about it? They treat these animals like a cash cow. And some ARE blatantly sick. how someone could not notice fleas jumping off kittens is beyond me. I've never personally gotten pets offcraigslist but have heard the stories. people just don't care it's sad. and often with dogs there is a "rehoming fee" and it's well over $100, often $200 or $300 or more. Sometimes ive seen $500. That is SELLING your dog. Why lie?
Oh wow, that's awful. I'm really sorry. :/ we're new too, our first chicks should arrive next week, but i've seen stories and CL in general, not just chickens, is shady :/ the pet section is especially notorious though. Lots of untrained dogs or kittens with fleas, etc. Now there's tons of scams too and they don't even give you a pet or will say it's a Maine Coon, Ragdoll, etc., when really it's just a long haired cat or mutt at most. Same for Russian Blue cats. Or they say theyre fully vetted and they either aren't at all or they got one shot or one flea treatment no shots or they took ONE kitten and DID fully vet it but will then photocopy the records and try to say ALL the kittens are fully vetted. It's sad really. And then it's $100 or $150 or evem just $50 for a sick cat. I understand vets cost a lot and I would be fine if the kitten was not fully vetted as long as it was not blatantly sick but why lie about it? They treat these animals like a cash cow. And some ARE blatantly sick. how someone could not notice fleas jumping off kittens is beyond me. I've never personally gotten pets offcraigslist but have heard the stories. people just don't care it's sad. and often with dogs there is a "rehoming fee" and it's well over $100, often $200 or $300 or more. Sometimes ive seen $500. That is SELLING your dog. Why lie?

Cl is a dirty place. Ive only gotten budgies and tiels off cl. The budgies were diseased with mites the tiels were overbred. They one person had 15 tiels all were the offspring off of a pair The male bird was bald due to plucking from the hen. I bought the whole group and resold them. Seperately. Bought a tame tiel they said it was a wasn't. That tiel flew away he would of been 5. But no more tiels and ill breed my own budgies to keep my lines. Or ill buy from a petstore. Never will take someone elses problem again. Ive seen ads for kittens that are only 6 weeks old i flag those. Most dogs on cl near me are pits. Or mutts. If i get another dog it will be a great pyrenese from a breeder not cl.
Cl is a dirty place. Ive only gotten budgies and tiels off cl. The budgies were diseased with mites the tiels were overbred. They one person had 15 tiels all were the offspring off of a pair The male bird was bald due to plucking from the hen. I bought the whole group and resold them. Seperately. Bought a tame tiel they said it was a wasn't. That tiel flew away he would of been 5. But no more tiels and ill breed my own budgies to keep my lines. Or ill buy from a petstore. Never will take someone elses problem again. Ive seen ads for kittens that are only 6 weeks old i flag those. Most dogs on cl near me are pits. Or mutts. If i get another dog it will be a great pyrenese from a breeder not cl.

It really is :(

But oh wow that's insane.

Yeah, now that you mention it i've seen tons of young kittens. Ive seen 5 weeka even. And i don't think I've seen this but I've heard a story or saw a Tumblr post as it was happening, this person, a friend of the poster or friends mom or something, decided they no longer wanted the I think puppies but maybe kittens at like 4 weeks. It may have been even younger like 3 and wanted them gone. I feel like it may have even been younger than 3, it was a ridiculous amount.

Like *** don't have the babies if you can't commit?

There's pits on ours but surprisingly not a ton. In shelters theres some too though. Here it seems to mostly lab mixes and then the pits etc. Some Chihuahuas min pins etc. Small dogs like that. Lots of.mutts too

I will definitely get my next dog from a reputable breeder, whether show or working. I like mutts and one day I will adopt but shelters take so long and plus so many of the.dogs have such emotional baggage. I know there are a ton of great dogs in shelters that have zero issues but you don't know until you take them home and that is not a risk I can take right now. Our current dog came from a farm in western Massachusetts and she was really nice and even gave us a little info packet with the AKC paragraph on both breeds, vaccination records, training info, blurbs about ticks, grooming locations near everyone, there was just a ton of info, I still have the packet, BUT. They were still basically a BYB. He's a mutt and has horrible hips. They did have a much younger, maybe just recently born? Or still pregnant and unborn, i forget, Lab litter when we were there and the parents were there, mom got sick of babies and was back with her goats lol, dad and I think maybe a pregnant Lab momma, played fetch with us, etc. But they weren't special or anything. They were also raised in stalls so no socialization. Now, they did have a young son and lots of farm animals nearby but still. Raised outside rather than in home. Plus we didn't do socialization either. Now that was our responsibility and I knew it was important but we just didn't get around to it. Now we lucked out and got a great dog but he's sometimes reactive with other dogs. I think it's excitement and frustration he can't meet them rather than aggression (only one dog was he truly aggressive) because sometimes he's great and off leash but still. Also has anxiety. It would have helped if he had been from a good breeder and very well socialized. I will buy fromca breeder next time. We didn't know better then. Just saw a cute mutt puppy. (lab/pyr) he's 3 now, 4 in March

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