Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

The meal maker is a free chick they offer when you buy 3 or more. It is either a layer or a meat bird depending on what you ordered. If you order all layers, then you get a random layer, etc. The idea is that you will donate the eggs or meat to someone in need.
That is cool... And I sure would ...... I wonder if i can still get it in my order. I didn't see it when I ordered but will look now
did you guys see they changed the minimums? And in 2016 the prices are going up. I don't mind a couple extra cents so it's fine (I think it varies between like 10 and 20cents) but the minimums a little weird haha

I'll post a picture but it used to be 3 April through October then 15 November though March. Well now it's 3 April through November then 25 December through March.

I don't know what sparked the change, maybe they had stuff happen or feel it's safer, but it's a tad weird cause they've always been sort of the small order place from what I've seen.


They still primarily are cause it's only 4 months out of the whole year that the minimum is higher. And it's actually better anyway I think because now there's an extra month of the lower minimum.

I think the change is good. Last year from many different hatcheries chicks were dying from the cold. I am sure they are hoping for a better survival rate by adding more during the winter months. As for price, I think that with what they provide and the quality of their birds is still a good deal.
i got the meal maker deal now.. i am excited.. i cant wait to get my little chicks... what did you guys get when you got the meal maker...
I think the change is good. Last year from many different hatcheries chicks were dying from the cold. I am sure they are hoping for a better survival rate by adding more during the winter months. As for price, I think that with what they provide and the quality of their birds is still a good deal.

Yeah, I'm sure they're just trying to increase survival, although they're usually good I thought. But yeah, I don't think the price is a big deal or problem. I actually don't really think either change is good or bad, I'm pretty neutral, I just thought it was interesting. it's a lot of chicks though but it's only during the coldest anyways. Last winter was brutal. let's hope that doesn't happen again
I didn't see the free bird thing . what is a meal maker.. Just a meat bird ? I love the breeds you got my austrolurp is so sweet. And my parents have buff orphinton and love them. My barred rock is sick now from a sick bird from craigslist recently. She is separated and on meds . she is doing some better. I am not wanting to loose her.I love her also.

The meal maker is a free chick they offer when you buy 3 or more.  It is either a layer or a meat bird depending on what you ordered.  If you order all layers, then you get a random layer, etc.  The idea is that you will donate the eggs or meat to someone in need.  

That is cool... And I sure would ...... I wonder if i can still get it in my order. I didn't see it when I ordered but will look now

i got the meal maker deal now.. i am excited.. i cant wait to get my little chicks... what did you guys get when you got the meal maker...

sorry I didn't reply sooner, I fell asleep. :(

anyways, what they said, it's a free chick added to it and usually matches what you get. They do have a page for it just like a regular breed but you can't add it to the cart from there, it's just you add it at the end, when you check out there's a box to check, along with the vaccinations options and stuff. and I think you can call or email and get it added after. I'm glad you managed to add it though. :)

I'm sure people will be able to say what they got but one that I think I've heard is Rhode Island Red but it depends. It typically matches similar breeds as what you ordered. so layer you wont get a.meatie, etc. and brown layer you won't get a white layer, etc. I heard someone say once that they give you the one you ordered most of but I don't know how true that is and for me I didn't order most of anything. :p I like the idea of the mystery.

anyways, about my breeds, thank you! I'm hoping the Australorp and Orpingtons are actually sweet amd the EEs lay colored eggs. :) I'm sorry your rock is sick though. :( That's why I'm nervous about birds from craigslist or petfinder or anything. i hope she gets better. :(
I learned my lesson.. Never again will I get my chicks from a stranger. Unless it's a hatchery

I don't think strangers are necessarily bad, you just have to be careful. there's plenty of great breeders and people out there. Besides, they shouldn't have been selling or even giving away sick birds, not your fault
The feel really guilty because my mom is in her 80 and had a stroke but she wanted a black copper maran. Well I found them on craigslist and ended up not being that breed and also they got my mom's flock sick also. I only have one sick . mom has 7 sick. We have our birds in meds but it is sooooooooooooooo sad that we were lied to about the breeds and then they got our birds sick. :( but I agree with what you said, but I feel so bad about it..
The feel really guilty because my mom is in her 80 and had a stroke but she wanted a black copper maran. Well I found them on craigslist and ended up not being that breed and also they got my mom's flock sick also. I only have one sick . mom has 7 sick. We have our birds in meds but it is sooooooooooooooo sad that we were lied to about the breeds and then they got our birds sick. :( but I agree with what you said, but I feel so bad about it..

Awww well that definitely does make it worse then and I'm really sorry. :( it's still not your fault though so although it'd be hard especially if you lost birds, don't blame yourself but I hope the birds recover :(

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