Meyer hatchery reviews???

I went to Meyer and was looking at ordering some EE's had 23 pullets and 2 cockerels in my basket. The shipping said 0.00 standard shipping and 15.00 poultry shipping. Will that fix later, or do they still charge for this 'poultry shipping?'

Just checked the site. It says min of 25, and excludes Rainbow Rangers (a meat bird) and fry pan bargain.

Maybe you should contact them. I added 25 to my cart just to see what would happen, and like you said, the $23 shipping charge was still attached.
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If I order from the available now breeds, from the July 6th hatch, if I order today, they'll ship July 6th or 7th, right? Anyone have experience with this?
If I order from the available now breeds, from the July 6th hatch, if I order today, they'll ship July 6th or 7th, right? Anyone have experience with this?
After you add to cart and proceed to checkout, there should be a bar with option for what date. I think as long as you select a July date you'll get the free shipping. If they charge you, I would contact then immediately.
I know it's been a while since anyone has last responded, but I wanted to give my experience. I know that there has to be other people wanting to purchase chickens and wanted a update response... I purchased online from Meyer 2/10/2017 I received them two days later. The post office called me when they were delivered and I went and got them. I was expecting to have some DOA, but to my surprise they were all alive and seemed to be doing great. By day three I had lost 3 birds, but that was expected and I had braced myself for that. Note: when checking out at Meyer I noticed a box that said "Meal Maker" not knowing what that that was I checked the box because it said it was free. The "meal maker" ended up being a extra chicken that they send to you in hopes that when the hen starts laying you donate the eggs to a family in need. I thought that was really cool.
@Pensacola blue did you ordered them sexed? Or are you just really lucky
Ordered them sexed :) Still feel lucky to have all girls considering they claim 90% accuracy. Wish I could order more this year, but our coop is at capacity.
i ordered 17 chicks from them in the beginning of jan. all arrived alive and healthy and shipped to me in only 2 days so far it looks like only one is a roo. all are growing nicely. 17 was more then i needed but ordering in winter you have to order alot( for me). i will be rehoming 9 with 2 different families i know (5&4) who were building coops so i offered some free chickens to get them started. that will leave me with 16 chickens and

3 ducks altogether. here's some of them hanging out in the duckhouse.
I called them to tell them about the Rooster and asked that they ship me another one the same age. They denied any responsibility and told me that they only vaccinate for 1 strain of Mareks and that it is brought over everywhere from wild birds.They told me it was my fault and that they only vaccinate for 1 strain of Mareks . I told them why is it they don't tell people that they only vaccinate for 1 strain of Mareks? I have 60 chickens the same age I bought from Ideal poultry and have not lost any and none have Mareks.I am extremely angry about this and will never buy another bird from them again!
Oh my. What exactly happened? This is kind of freaking me out. My birds don't have diseases and I have a shipment coming from Meyer.
I ordered and was very happy in febuary we ordered 10 chicks but couldnt have them shipped till april becaude of the minimum order thing for time of year. All arrived alive and well except for 2 that seemed somewhat ill. They died that night but all the others were fine. We talked with the staff. They were very nice and friendly and felt very bad. They replaced the two chicks we lost and gave us free shipping. They even let us add more to the order and still didnt make us pay for shipping. We were very happy and ordered 3 black silkies and a frizzle cochin. Unfortunatly when they arrived they were all dead. We talked with there staff and either offered us future credits or a complete refund. I overall am very pleased with meyer hatchery for there kindness and great products. All of the chicks we originaly got are still doing great! Minus the few misdhaps i would go with them again great hatchery. Was a little frustrated with the meal maker at first. They said it would be simmilar to what we ordered. We had ordered all bantams but the meal maker was a standard leghorn. She was much larger than the others! We named her big mama and even though she might have been a mix up were still glad to have her!

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