Meyers Hatchery


12 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Bristol, VT
My Coop
My Coop
I read some mixed reviews on the forum for Meyers but I have to add my own. I have done orders in the past 2011 on and gotten products (non chicks) they were great, answered all my questions and were wonderful.

This year I ordered 25 of the Fry Pan Bargain chicks. I got 27 of them instead of 25. We lost one that was DOA from shipping and another seemed kind of logey and not good. He made it past the 48 hour mark and passed on the 3rd day. They refunded him and sent me another chick in my next order. I think the chicks would have been fine. Arrived the first week in May but we had a huge temp swing and were back in the 20's the morning they arrived. I have messaged or called 5-6 times since this order was delivered so I could make changes to orders add and subtract birds and or move order dates when birds came available that I wanted that were sold out before. The staff is always great super helpful and kind and ready to do whatever you need them to to make sure you're happy with what you get.

My second order arrived Tuesday the 7th at the post office. Due to the horrible cell reception where I work I didn't get the messages that they were there until a few minutes before the post office closed and so they had to wait the night at the post office in town. I picked them up this morning and brought them home. (2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Blue Orpingtons, 1 Lavender, 2 Blue Cochins, a replacement roo from my last order who is a white chick, a meal maker and a Gold Laced Wyandotte) All chicks arrived very healthy and ready to be placed in the brooder. Even though I couldn't get them until this morning their heat pack was still very warm. We had the power go off around 9:30 am due to work on the lines so they had to go without a heat light for a few hours (in our house so it was round 72 degrees) One of the Cochins acted a little cold once the power came back on around 10:30 I held her for quite a while up under the heat light and set up the thermostat for their light and by this evening she was walking around and eating and drinking with the other chicks. My Blue Orpingtons came banded so I would know who they were and all seem very hearty and very healthy. I can't attest to adult size or body type but I will add that later as they grow.

Attaching pictures and video of what I have received but I would definitely order again happy with the quality of what I received and the staffs assistance any time I have had an issue.
They almost didn't thanks to the Electric company shutting the power off. I brought them in and kept them in the house which was 72 so better than 37 degrees outside and had one get very chilly and sleepy but she bounced back.
Updated pictures of my Meyer Hatchery layer chicks lost one of the Cochin chicks but the other 9 are doing very well. Three weeks old yesterday. Loving the blues they are big and already getting beautiful the buffs are large as well. The lavenders are smaller and have black skin on their legs but with pink toes not sure I like that so might not keep those. I will wait and see what they look like as they grow out. I think one of the extra chicks is a jubilee rooster if it is I will be very over the moon happy. So far very happy with this bunch.


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I have tried to shop for poultry on the website for Meyers Hatchery. I was unable to access the chicks and the breed info on their site. I called them. I told them that im using a smart phone. Anyway i have tried a number if times over the past 4 months to shop their chicks. Ive even called them to tell them that their website still has problems. The employees dont seem to care that their chick info and prices cant always be accessed. While no one was rude, the people there are not concerned about whether anyone can see their chicks. I dont believe they would be easy to deal with since problems dont bother them and dont get fixed. There are so many hatcheries that have their info available to everyone. There are so many people including high school kids who could build a website snd include breed info and prices.
I have tried to shop for poultry on the website for Meyers Hatchery. I was unable to access the chicks and the breed info on their site. I called them. I told them that im using a smart phone. Anyway i have tried a number if times over the past 4 months to shop their chicks. Ive even called them to tell them that their website still has problems. The employees dont seem to care that their chick info and prices cant always be accessed. While no one was rude, the people there are not concerned about whether anyone can see their chicks. I dont believe they would be easy to deal with since problems dont bother them and dont get fixed. There are so many hatcheries that have their info available to everyone. There are so many people including high school kids who could build a website snd include breed info and prices.

I think the people who answer the phones aren't the same people who would fix or work on the website. I use a lap top to access and don't have any issues with the pictures. Never really tried with the cell phone but it may be a setting you have on the phone that is causing the issue. You can request a paper copy of the catalog as well which is helpful. I had great luck and any time I wanted to change or add on to one of my orders they were amazingly helpful.
Any chickens and hatching eggs I ordered were from Meyers.
I havent had any issues with them. They ship their eggs very securely
Never received a cracked one
The first 6 eggs I ordered 5 hatched

I ordered 6 lt brahma when one of my chickens went very broody I gave her 4 I incubated 2. her didn't make it they did start to develop but I think inexperience and my other hen always went in to lay and would jostle thr eggs
Out of the 2 I had one hatched the other was fertile

The last 3 hatching eggs I had 1 barred rock and 2 lt brahma the barred rock and 1 brahma hatched the other didn't make it all the way through the incubation periord.
The barred rock took longer than he should of to hatch and it affected him later on with his legs I ended up having him put to sleep.

I ordered 3 silkie chicks last time and all arrive safe. I did lose one a few days later

But overall good experience with Meyers

I dont always go by the bad reviews for things and places because someone could give a bad rating because something that was beyond the hatcheries control

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