Miami Township-Clermont County, Ohio--Any current or wannabe chicken owners?

Are your chickens legal or 'under the radar?

  • Yes, my chickens are legal!

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, chickens? Who me? What chickens?

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
So, I've ordered my chicks. We're going for it. :) Actually, one of my neighbors got chicks last summer and another neighbor has them on order for April. My sister actually surprised me with all the new "chicken gear" for my birthday. She also went to Lou at the township and was like "Lou, where are we at with the chickens?" He replied that it was still in the works but that he and his "guy" wouldn't say anything if we got them. He said as long as our neighbors didn't say anything we're fine. He also said that if they did say anything then to send them his way. Sooo, I'm excited and get to pick out names for my new Red Stars, Plymouth Rock, Dominique, and Austrolorpes!!! Hope this helps you guys pursue your dream of owning chickens!!
I'm off of Rt 28 in the 45140 zip and want to order chicks right now. I have a nice private large lot so I won't need that permit. However, I am looking for the best place to order young hens (chicks) and just completed the tractor style coop.
Reach out to me as you move forward. It would be nice to have a local keeper.
Hi Jeff,

There is a FB group called Little Miami Farmers Market. There are frequent posters for chickens for sale. Also, there is Rising Phoenix Farm in NKY that has pullets for sale. Her birds are all free range/natural. I got several from her when I started my flock last year, and they have been very hardy. Good luck with your new chicken adventure.

Hello all. This thread is a little old, so I don't know if I'll get many responses. I live in Miami Township and would love to have a few chicks in our backyard. From what I understand Miami Township has hired a new Planning and Zoning administrator. Is anyone interested at giving another go at trying to legalize backyard chickens.
What are the current laws? We have just over an acre and would love to keep chickens. May be interested in this.
Yes!!!! Right now my sister and I are trying to get a group together to legalize backyard chickens. We live on the corner of Pleasant Hill and Klondyke... yes, they just got a new Administrator and the zoning head, Lou, is now at Goshen. Unfortunately, along with Lou's leaving, and the new guy coming in, we have a neighbor who has been calling the township relentlessly for every tiny thing . in our yard. In the past two months we've gotten 2 "courtesy violations" for some of the craziest things, including "gas cans, ect. But because we are visible and our property cannot hide, we have been singled out. I have several chicken keeping friends in Miami Township but they can hide and their neighbors aren't mean.

We LOVE our chickens!! They are so much fun! We get about 5-7 eggs a day from 9 hens. We don't have any odors or noises. Right now we are in a battle with the township. We are pretty sure our property is covered under The Ohio ORC 519.21 that allows Agriculture if you are not in a subdivision or in an area of 15 or more lots approved under ORC 711.131. The hang up is Clermont County Tax map department says we are not under 711.131 but the new township head (who has literally only been here for a couple weeks) seems to think we are.

Anyway, even if our property is exempt from township zoning, we are ready to start the process right now. I've been putting out feelers with my chicken keeping friends but they are afraid to let the township know they keep chickens so we are working on getting together and brainstorming ideas. We'd love to open up our home for meetings, we have a pool, and we could have some backyard bbq's to make it fun!!!

My name is Leah Faith Svensson
you can facebook message me or call
513 607-4308
5499 Wolfpen Pleasant Hill Rd

you can check out our blog!

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