Michigan Chickenstock 2014 Buy/Sell/Trade

Hi everyone! If I were to bring 3 hens that are not laying would anyone be interested? If so, pm me. Thanks
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Sadly, I will not be going. I am swamped trying to get my house ready before my wedding, and working at my full time job and working on my own farm, I am not able to come to CS this year. :(
oh no! Will miss you

Sadly, I will not be going. I am swamped trying to get my house ready before my wedding, and working at my full time job and working on my own farm, I am not able to come to CS this year. :(

  This makes me and my family very sad.  We wish you and Grace every happiness.  Please know that you will both be deeply missed.

Sadly, I will not be going. I am swamped trying to get my house ready before my wedding, and working at my full time job and working on my own farm, I am not able to come to CS this year. :(

OH for Pete's sake, Daron; I could do all that AND attend C-S with my hands tied behind my back!
KIDDING - I'll miss not seeing you, you're always one of the highlights for me!  Please don't overwork, okay?  Give Grace a hug from me!

Aww, you guys are making me cry. I miss you all already. :(
We will TRY to come next year!
Sorry REALLY dumb question, but . . . is CS Saturday or Sunday? I was told Sunday but then someone said Saturday so . . .

Never Mind I found it.
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