Michigan Chickenstock!!! Lansing area, August 1!!!

Me too!! I am excited, LOL

I forgot that I am looking for a BLRW Roo also. Oh goodness I think I may need to bring a trailer. LOL
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Sarah, that's fine on the tickets! I'm not opposed to a bit of ripping. I talked DH into coming, and I think I may put him in charge of the 50/50. He swears he's going to wear a sign that says, "NOT chicken addicted!"

Folks, I'd like to take the opportunity to be a wet blanket, and ask that EVERYONE bringing poultry, PLEASE re-read the initial post regarding guidelines. We want to keep this as safe as possible, and not cause issues for the possibility of future Chickenstocks!

Also, I received the donated item from Schultz - it's SWEET! Stuffed chicken, sort of patchwork design, sitting in a little fluffy/stuffed nest with a few little plastic eggies in it! It's REAL cute! This will be the gift for the Limbo contest winner!
I think so, too, Chickenlady!

By the way, folks, I've been informed it's illegal (well, you have to have a license) to do a 50/50 raffle, so we won't be doing that. Don't need any trouble!

If we do Chickenstock again in the future, I'll be happy to apply for the license to do a 50/50 if anyone is interested.
Ok, just noticed that there's no ending time put on the origanal thread. I rented the pavillion from 10am - 3. I don't know if the pavillion has been rented after us... so be prepared. We can always just move our stuff if someone else comes along. Maybe bring a few folding chairs. The park is huge and lots of shady places.
Adorable!!! I wish the BF would let me have a duck!!
we have a pond and everything so it's not like it would be trouble but he refuses says they aren't nice
But they are adorable!!!
How much for the Silver Phoenix? I doubt the BF will go for it because he isn't for sure about keeping them thru the winter, but curosity always gets the better of me. It's strange we get to keep the Quail and Pheasants thru the winter (his birds) but not my chickens??? Not fair
I guess maybe sense he does most the outside work it's kinda fair
I'm getting really excited now and have started the Chickenstock count down on my calender
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Ok, I have read the list of food and I think I will bring a veggie pasta salad.
Collin wants to get some EE chicks. As long as he helps I have no problem with it. Hope there will be some for him to pick from.

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