Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

to bad about the land, I thought the water didn't perk? Oh well maybe God has something better planned for you

They have the money to fix whatever that they can do to build a house on it.

Hi, Darran, how is your testing going? the address should be on the paper work, you can also contact them on line

Ugh, I have been so busy, have not gotten a chance to get into that. I am downsizing my flock again. Got rid of the geese, and will cut back on the chickens a lot. Anyone want some pullets, layers, turkeys?
Chia seed can be picked up at health food stores and in some pharmacies. I saw it at walgreens the other day. Its a bit pricey for sure, but... Its got great health benefits too.

Chia seeds are my favorite! Now you can get them at Costco and they are actually pretty cheap compared to what I had to pay before they became mainstream. (Thank you Dr. Oz) I think a two pound bag, which lasts long, long time. For about 10 dollars. I've been seeing that recipe around pinterest and Facebook and wanting to try it. Let Mr know how it turns out!
Our plum jam is delicious. We got the seeds from Costco.
I painted the inside of my coop today. Was particle board and it amazes me what some nice bright paint does to add light to their space. Took forever. Especially since I had helpers. One of my ees got right in where there was fresh paint and then promptly batted her wing in my face. I looked like I had war paint on or something. Glad no one stopped by today.
You sure are right about that. But if I want a really good laugh all I need do is look in the mirror. It's either that or cry, and since that won't help I might as well laugh.
I know the feeling, still trying to figure out were all this old skin came from,
I have hung fly paper strips in mine. I haven't used the pest strips that go on the floor though. Think that might be asking for trouble. Of course, there is always going to be that one idiot chicken whose curiosity gets the better of him/her and ends up stuck in the fly paper strip. LOL One of my pullets took a flying leap off the roost to the fly strip, came down with it, and was that fun to get off.
I had one do that too fun trying to pull it off
I'm from Zeba little village out of L'Anse Michigan and want to start a Coop and looking for some hardy chicks to keep up here in Michigan cold country hoping this site will help and as I learn to get around on it ask some questions
chanteclair,'Amaracaunas and most EE's have small combs the Chanteclair as stated was breed in Canada, has tight feathering to help protect from the cold small comb size is most important as frost bite can be a concern, chickens can with stand a lot of cold as long as they have shelter from wind and rain
Hello everyone.

I have moved back to the US and am stuck without chickens. The import ban meant that a lot of work and care has just been lost (in addition to many other things) and I have to start over from scratch.
I have an incubator ready to rebuild my team and am looking for fertile eggs to fill it with.

Shipping would be paid, or I can come get them if you are close enough.

I'm very interested in any black skinned chickens, interesting and color patterns or egg colors
Anyone willing to share their flock with me please give me a PM and we can work out whatever terms you have in mind.
welcome back, were did you settle? good luck with your new start
Back here in Saginaw.
I had found a temporary job here and going to save up money for what's next or continue to full time permanent.
Cool thing is they just started a new plan where you can have 6 chickens for personal use.

Dont even have to get on the Right to Farm act on my side for basics.

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