Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

So I think that since the mornings are chilly it gives me a good excuse to sit down and get back into the community here LOL. Started out by getting birds a year ago, first just 5 then more now I am up to 40! I have a broody hen, finally! I had a friend that test hatched some of my eggs for me and so far 11 out of the 12 hatched! Very excited about that. They are just mutt birds but they will still lay an egg lol. We are selling off horses due to the high cost, looking at raising goats, I have two so far thinking either for meat or dairy, anyone have some thoughts on that point? Well, I better check out for now! Hope everyone is doing well!!!
I think I'm in trouble - I just bought 2 used incubators
. I may be in need of a 12 step program . . .

LOL Love it!!!!
Hey Blondie
gaitngirl did you find that number???? or were you side tracked getting the incubators ??
Thanks. I'm not opposed to a firearm per se but I think I might be opposed to shooting the fox. It was here before I was and has to eat too. Can't blame her for wanting a chicken dinner. I know, they're tasty. But I have a deep respect for any creature as crafty as a fox. Plus, it would be a shame to kill the wildlife because of my chicken obsession after all. I can buy eggs down at the supermarket but the fox can't. Ever watch Fantastic Mr. Fox? Hehehe. Probably my all time favorite movie... EVER.

Anyway, I like the electric fence idea but it would mean working out another logistical issue. The space between the fence and the field is full of weeds (there's a pokeweed TREE out there, I swear is the largest pokeweed I've ever seen) and it's a pain keeping that clear but I'd have to if I want to electrify it. I've looked at those chargers before but I never know which ones to buy -so many specs... so I don't, heheh. But I should. I would also have to tell the farmer that it's there so he doesn't snag it with his tractor at harvest. That would be a costly mistake, for me.

You don't necessarily have to hit the predator. A loud boom and an puff of dirt nearby is often enough to scare the critter away. A .410 shotgun might be all you need.

I appreciate seeing any wildlife, even if they are predators. I think that it is my responsibility to protect my domestic animals to the best of my ability without encroaching on the wildlife.
You don't necessarily have to hit the predator. A loud boom and an puff of dirt nearby is often enough to scare the critter away. A .410 shotgun might be all you need. 

I appreciate seeing any wildlife, even if they are predators. I think that it is my responsibility to protect my domestic animals to the best of my ability without encroaching on the wildlife. 

X2. They are smart. Smart enough to get the point with a warning shot.
Anybody in the metro area have a Flemish or new zealand buck. I didn't question the two rabbits my girls bought at a farm store up north when they were told they were bucks. I acquired two does then decided to check the sex to show them the difference. Surprise their both does.
I have no issue with folks who don't want to kill anything and I completely understand. However, since I've been dealing with critters, both domesticated and wild longer than most of you, I can advice you of the facts. Scaring predators off is only a temporary measure and unless you are able to watch your flock 24/7 they will eventually be successful. Live trapping is effective but be advised that it is illegal to trap and then transport the captured animal to a different location.
I am laughing so hard. Just stepped out to check on birds while first batch of applesauce is processing.

A game of frog football is going on! Spaz caught it, fumbled to Lela, who then fumbled to one of the NHRs, who was last seen being chased around the corner towards the goal line by both teams...:D

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