Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

sorry about the losses to fox electric wire is a good idea but you do have to keep the grass cut under the wire
you could get a portable fence and run the wire with solar, you do still have to keep the wire clear of grasses and it will cost but is easy to use
Hey Blondie:weee gaitngirl did you find that number???? or were you side tracked getting the incubators ??:lau  

Lol! Nope, wasn't sidetracked (much). I texted her to make sure she was still selling. She has eggs incubating and some recently hatched. She's willing to part with a few and said to give you her number. I just have to figure out how to pm you from my phone . . . If I can't do it (the byc phone version is pretty scaled down from regular one) I will get it to you when I get home tonigbt.
Opa, where can we find out where the law is that states it is illegal to catch and release wild animals?


This one is much more specific.

Partial quote:
Wild animals exhibit a number of predatory and competitive behaviors that can be misinterpreted as cruel or detrimental
by the public. These behaviors are natural, necessary for species survival, and should not be viewed as harmful. All wild
animals, except those owned by special wild animal breeders or private hunting preserves, are public property. Under
permit regulations only damage to private property may be controlled. Thus, complaints of predatory animals (i.e., hawks
at bird feeders) or strife between other wild species are not truly damage situations and any action to kill, harm, capture,
trap, or collect the “offending” predator is unwarranted and strictly prohibited by the wildlife laws.
Yesterday and today were spastic picture taking day... I have to say... You've been warned. With the way my browser handles the rich text editor now... for some reason... a real PITA, I will not be labeling anything individually like I normally do. Note... the sheep are not mine, but talk to me every day I stop by their feild to drop the paper. I love their faces. The faverolles are all this years hatches. Some darker, some light. If I breed the darks to the boys, will get richer color on the boys, same color for the girls. Also the japs and phoenix updates, and the only yoko boy to hatch...













such pretty pics!

got the covered porch cleaned off so I could paint the ceiling while baby was napping only to discover that i didn't have a roller handle and I definitely wasn't going to wake up the kid to go into the hardware store! Once he woke up and i had the handle, things went along nicely......except for I ran out of paint with 4ft of ceiling left.

It's actually OK with me because we have 2 bee/wasp nests on the overhang and they were EVERYWHERE. I dislike wasps/hornets what ever they are. Ugh. Bees I don't mind as much. Hornets can stay off my house please and thank you.

Time to make tzatziki sauce for gyros now......yum.
Yesterday and today were spastic picture taking day... I have to say... You've been warned. With the way my browser handles the rich text editor now... for some reason... a real PITA, I will not be labeling anything individually like I normally do. Note... the sheep are not mine, but talk to me every day I stop by their feild to drop the paper. I love their faces. The faverolles are all this years hatches. Some darker, some light. If I breed the darks to the boys, will get richer color on the boys, same color for the girls. Also the japs and phoenix updates, and the only yoko boy to hatch...














9th pic down I think... So cute!!! Head cocked like oh, taking a picture of me???
Yesterday and today were spastic picture taking day... I have to say... You've been warned. With the way my browser handles the rich text editor now... for some reason... a real PITA, I will not be labeling anything individually like I normally do. Note... the sheep are not mine, but talk to me every day I stop by their feild to drop the paper. I love their faces. The faverolles are all this years hatches. Some darker, some light. If I breed the darks to the boys, will get richer color on the boys, same color for the girls. Also the japs and phoenix updates, and the only yoko boy to hatch...

love them all especialy the muffed hens but I think this one is my favorite

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