Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Wanted to show off the beautiful Buff Orpingtons I got from boris159 today... I'm in love with them already... They're ABSOLUTELY beautiful! The rooster in the background in the first picture was mine already. The ladies are all new to this pen, though.

Beautiful hens td! Beautiful!

Thanks! Bruce (aka Boris159) was so helpful too! Not only did I get some stunning hens, but he also helped me temporarily fix my car for me to get home.

Cut the top off and pull out the guts. Place pumpkin and top in a pan with sides. Bake in the oven at around 200 till it's soft enough to stick a knife into easily. Then cut the rind off, cut into chunks put in a pot with a little water on low till you can mash it up, then puree it and use it just like the stuff in the can only it's WAY better.

Used to cut it up raw and chunk it for the pot but it's much easier to let it bake in the oven. Raw pumpkin is hard to peel off the rind.
Anyone have any tips for using a real pumpkin to make pie? How do you prep the pumpkin before mixing it as pie?
Does anyone have a suggestion for something to use to keep the birds from flying out of the run that's inexpensize and lightweight? I was thinking of getting some of the 'wildlife netting' at menards since it's $9 for a 7x100 roll, but I looked at it and it's REALLY light and definately wouldn't hold up to ANY snow getting caught in it. I don't want something that I'll have to take down in a month and a half, but I don't want something that I'll have to put in a bunch of supports for either (like metal fence).

We have used the wildlife netting with success over the top of the run, here in Rockford MI. The trick is, you need to staple it in place over the top of your run so it is fairly snug, and doesn't droop. The first time we put it on we left it really loose and snow did it in the first winter. How big is your run area?
Hi all! You have been prolific writers and I am very behind. Busy, busy.

Pumpkin pie sounds really good. My pumpkins didn't grow this year so I'll have to pick up a pie pumpkin down at the market one day. Nothing like the smell of roasting squash in the fall...

I'm a little worried about my run holding up this winter also. It's just chicken wire and while the supports are metal fence posts, all the cross beams are flimsy wood. I knew I was being cheap when I did it and should have listened to my own conscience. The thought of peeling off all that chicken wire to rebuild it is too much to bear. Ugh.

I've had the gutter guys out installing gutters on our house this week and they're finally done. For the first time, this house going on 90 years now, it has gutters. 'Bout time, eh? Now we need some roof ventilation before winter hits. So while they were working on the house, I made and installed an egg sign out by the street. No takers yet but I had a neighbor say she'd hit us up sometime. I've got six dozen in the fridge, ready to sell. Then there was a lot of garden time. Still tomatoes, peppers and eggplants going on out there and the zucchinis too. I cut and hung 24 sunflower heads to dry and there is more to come. The sorghum isn't ready yet though so gonna wait on that. The sheep are getting feisty, eating the hay out of the feeders that I put there over the summer and begging for treats like there's no tomorrow. Time to fatten up I guess. Either that or the pasture's getting thin with the autumn. I've been occasionally tossing them broken sorghum stalks. They love em.

So today was spent making sourdough bread and cheese (though both have been in the works for a couple of days, busy fermenting). I guess you could say I'm sufficiently "cultured".
The chickens will get the whey tomorrow for breakfast and I will have some cheese with my eggs. Win-win.

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