Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I am just stopping in to say hi.
This is our first spring in 3 years with no chicks in the basement. Our flock of 5 is doing well. I don't have much to say.
Thanks I promise to not mention I support, oh who the heck knows who I support, and can it really be important here where I am trying to learn about raising chickens! 56 years old and these are my first chickens. I'm so excited.
we are egggsited to have you...

Alright, I did it. I set 14 pheasant eggs.

Thanks to birdman55 for making it possible.

I may have extra within the next 20 days give or take. The availability is going to be sketchy because I'm juggling bater space and 1 person gets first dibs if they are interested. So if someone ( local) is interested pm me and we can figure something out pending availability.

no problem...hope the hatch goes well...im happy for you....the poo guy is coming over today....and thanks for finding the hole...lol...
Welcome to Mi. BYC,, a great bunch of people ,,,flaming, .... just got into a little discussion that became a bit opinionated, which caused some hurt feelings, I was on vacation at the time, but it seemed some people needed a time out
this is true alot of great people.. sometimes people do have disagreements....it happens...i see it all over byc...some get reported and some go without mediation....where it happens the most is with expensive birds....alot of disagreements there...and some have been shut down...but then the same topic just gets opened up by someone else...all in all have fun on here and ask many questions...there is a bird swap coming up in imlay city...on the 25th...hope to see you guys there
so apparently it's going to get mighty cold at night this week (below freezing from Tuesday on). My ladies are in their brooder box in the garage. I had taken away the heat lamp entirely about a week ago while they were still in the house.

At 8 weeks old and 6 weeks old, do you think it'll be too cold in the garage for them? Maybe I should put the heat lamp back for this week? The coldest nights are suppose to be a low of 27 :-/

Anyone have an opinion on if I need to add the heat lamp back, or just let em go?
There is a bird and small animal swap on the first sat every month in Lewiston also. I'm going fir the first time next swap. I've heard really good things.
there is a bird swap coming up in imlay city...on the 25th...hope to see you guys there

Is this the 25th of April!?!

I've been MIA for a LOOOOONG while...not sure if any of you remember me. We lost our flock at our rental house to coyotes and cold temps, so we decided not to get any more birds while we were renting. Well, we bought our dream property, 10 acres in the country with a house big enough for our family and moved in, in January, so I'M BACK!!!! lol!

I hope you all have been well!

We have 9 ducks...mixed breeds...I think I might have an Ancona...or she might be Pekin Cayuga cross , Khaki Campbells, I have 5 runners...and some poor weird mutt that looks like an Ancona, Rouen, Pekin mix...or Cayuga, Pekin, Rouen mix...more on that once I get over to the duck forum.

I'm working on tweaking my bator a little bit so I can set some eggs today. Just 8...want to test it out, and we only want a small laying flock to start. We plan to get meat birds, but I need to finish the tractor first.

I'm excited to be back! :)

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