Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

good luck on getting that house! Wish you were closer... you love the golden willow tree.
Where is the house located you bid on?
Hubby had too much fun with his tractor. He was suppose to cut trails through our field. Instead mowed the whole field down! But I see the milkweed coming back up. Need to take the keys to the tractor away.
Raz, they are smart enough to get in, and to know you will get them out.

Best go all out and get some of these too!
. And these!

Good luck with the house
I'm trying to decide how to build a roost bar with some shade on the back side of my coop.
Just to give the girls some spots to hang out during the day.
I'm good at following directions to build stuff, but not coming up with the plans
I'm trying to decide how to build a roost bar with some shade on the back side of my coop.
Just to give the girls some spots to hang out during the day.
I'm good at following directions to build stuff, but not coming up with the plans
Post a couple of photos to give us some ideas. I'm sure we can come up with something for you.

Here is the back of my coop. I was thinking of just making kind of like a shelf with just a 2x4 across?
I'm not sure if I can just extend the roof part out and cover with a shade cloth?


I'm also pretty sure this Amber sex link pullet is not a pullet. The dark one closest to the front. It's a little over 12 weeks old.

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