Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Hi. Had a nice time at CS2017. It was nice to be able to sit around and chat chicken. My neighbor bought a rooster at the meet up but can't remember the breed. Anyone know what breed he is?



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So hubby made a nice feeder and water dispenser, out of PVC, for the new hen house...the feeder works great, holds plenty and the pullets don't spill any, but I'm having a bit of a problem getting them to work the drinking cups, the still haven't learned to peck at the yellow to fill the cup so they just drink until the cups are empty and then squawk for me to refill them
I would like to stop filling those cups for them, but I'm afraid they won't drink enough, any suggestions?
Going from open waterers to nipples or cups can take some time.
Some get it right off the bat and can 'teach' others...some can take weeks to get it.
I try to do this during mild weather when health risk due to dehydration are lower, and may put out an open waterer late in the day just before roost time and/or early in the morning just for 30 minutes or so, to make sure they are fully hydrated. I also mark the water level in the cup/nipple vessel so I can tell how much they've drunk from it. I refill waterers everyday so have a good idea of how much they will consume in a 24 hours period. Tapping it for them often just makes them wait for you to do it again, eventually you have to go hands off and let them figure it out.
Yesterday the Freedom Ranger pullets went to Munsell's___ except for the two who escaped! :barnie Another trip to the processor next week, for only two birds, unless it turns into a DIY event. Probably not. Meanwhile, I hope the hens I sold at Chickenstock are doing well! Mary
Usually when I filled the cups, the pullets came to drink ,and didn't stop drinking until the cups were left completely empty. I have not filled those cups at all since yesterday, and when I checked them just now, all 4 had some water in it so I'm guessing the pullets have figured'em out.

Thanks for your help guys!
Morning everyone. Looks like the rain has stopped and it is going to be nice.
Turkey poults are thriving under the Marans hen. The 4 broodies are still sitting but eggs keep getting layed by other hens and mixed in with the fertile eggs. Eggs are getting pushed out and non-fertile egss are under the broodies.

I've given up trying to sort out what is what. Who knows how many will be hatched? One more week to wait. After that, all eggs will have to be tossed. :( I just hope no bad egg explodes. :sick

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