Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Missed seeing you all at CS...but had the grandkiddos!

Raz...houses are selling that fast. Not like the old days where you could think about it. You also have to win a bidding war! I see the young people at work struggling to buy..they have the money but there is nothing available. One young person offered $20,000 cash above the asking price and did not get the place. Market is crazy!

I can't believe I have all my 2017/18 hay already! I never get it this early. Now I don't have to stack hay in the summer!
We almost got ours done already, just one more wagon to go. I thought it was coming last night because mom had sent me a picture text of the loft all filled up from our supplier. guess he must have saw the weather report and decided that he didn't have a chance to get that wagon there before the rain came last night.
We almost got ours done already, just one more wagon to go. I thought it was coming last night because mom had sent me a picture text of the loft all filled up from our supplier. guess he must have saw the weather report and decided that he didn't have a chance to get that wagon there before the rain came last night.
Are you moving in or out?
Hello, all:frow
Still raining here, I'm not complaining cause we really needed it, but I'm hoping for a dry weekend so hubby and I can start siding the hen house and then the run can go up.

RaZ, do you still have the koi pond? I'd love to see it if you do!
Hello, all:frow
Still raining here, I'm not complaining cause we really needed it, but I'm hoping for a dry weekend so hubby and I can start siding the hen house and then the run can go up.

RaZ, do you still have the koi pond? I'd love to see it if you do!
I still have the pond but something got all of my fish. It might have been the raccoons that were living next door when the house was vacant.
Right now I just have feeder goldfish and rosies in there to eat any mosquito larvae that might get in.
The water is crystal clear and I'm using it to root willow sprouts.

Got a beautiful 6-foot tall tree if anyone wants a Golden willow.
Raz I know you are not a lilac lover, but I was thrilled to find this beauty on mine this week. Last year I saw 3 Monarchs all , all migrating at the end of summer. So far I've seen several of these and also some Tiger Swallowtails. So encouraging!

Raz I know you are not a lilac lover, but I was thrilled to find this beauty on mine this week. Last year I saw 3 Monarchs all , all migrating at the end of summer. So far I've seen several of these and also some Tiger Swallowtails. So encouraging!

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I put an offer down on a house I saw yesterday...in spite of the lilac weeds on the property. ;) If I get the house, I promise to leave them where they are. So wish me luck and good karma.

I've been checking my milkweed every day and no monarch caterpillars at all. I haven't even seen one this year. The eastern tiger swallowtails seem to like my yard. I have them all over.
Chickens are either quite clever or incredibly stupid.
Mine have managed to get into the garden nearly every day. That is over a 6ft high fence. Once in, they can't get out until I open the access gate.

But I found their secret. A pile of 8 eggs hidden in the hops. Still haven't figured out how they are getting in there. :he

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