Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I expected to wake up to a bunch of wet snow on the ground, but got just a light dusting. Was happy. Hubby out of town all week and can't start the snow blower. I do the manual shoveling that's needed. And it takes me much longer than it does for hubby to walk up and down the driveway a few times.
I've got a lot of different critters but haven't seen a fox yet. Doesn't mean there isn't any. Hope I don't.
Glad you're loving where you are RaZ. I have nice neighbors here, but don't see them very often. This was a good move. Love not dealing with crazy neighbors.
Hello from Cedar Springs! I got five hens last week from someone my husband works with. They offered us seven hens and an awesome coop. Stuff happened and we got fove hens and a small kit coop. Still happen to take what we got though! Let the fortifying and building begin! These are some of the sweetest girls! They love attention, and my eight year old daughter just loves them to pieces. I'm so glad we can finally give our kids a portion of what I had growing up.

Intro over. The girls were not impressed with the snow this morning when I let them out. My daughter went out to do an egg check, and they were all in the coop again.
Does anyone in the Dexter / Chelsea / Ann Arbor area have fertile hatching eggs? Just planning ahead for my next broody hen. I don't need them now just trying to get an idea what might be available this spring or summer.
Just planning ahead for my next broody hen. I don't need them now just trying to get an idea what might be available this spring or summer.
Don't plan your broody until she sets.... haha!
This is the first year I've had a broody during spring,
the rest(4-5-6 times) go during fall winter summer when I don't want chicks.
Hello from Cedar Springs!
Hello to you as well! I'm just north of you- Pierson. I drive through Cedar every day on my way to and from work. Do you get feed at the mill? If you've never been to the Cedar Springs Mill, you should stop in some time. Might get better prices at TSC/FFH, but the folks at the mill are really helpful, and sometimes there are more options for feed types. (plus my father-in-law works there)
Hello to you as well! I'm just north of you- Pierson. I drive through Cedar every day on my way to and from work. Do you get feed at the mill? If you've never been to the Cedar Springs Mill, you should stop in some time. Might get better prices at TSC/FFH, but the folks at the mill are really helpful, and sometimes there are more options for feed types. (plus my father-in-law works there)

Good to know! They came with a bag of feed, so I haven't needed to shop for that yet. We keep saying we need to go over there and poke around. We moved here in June, and spend out weekends going to new places.
Don't plan your broody until she sets.... haha!
This is the first year I've had a broody during spring,
the rest(4-5-6 times) go during fall winter summer when I don't want chicks.
Just trying to stay a step ahead of the girls and get an idea of my options! In the past I've either used my own eggs or I've gotten fertile eggs from a neighbor but she's roosterless at the moment and we are soon to be too.

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