Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thank you Michelle, Rose and Sally. I am not 100 but I am at about 80 which is better. I know is the flu because of the incubation period. Hub brought it home last week and he began with runny nose and aches. 2 days later I began with throat and runny nose. Yet, he never got the fever and has been with body aches. I went from all fine to fever and shrivering and aching. Spend all day in bed yesterday. He got up around 10am and got the girks out. I bet they were fussing all morning inside the coop. They always fuss no matter what. I got up around 1pm and told him that they needed food and water outside and prepared it and he put it out. He was perplexed because they began pecking his shoe laces, :lau He would not dare to move waiting on them. I just told him that he can move and all they will do is follow him. I went back to bed and got up by 6pm.

Anyways, let me begin with the scoop, :clap I know it is not illegal but as a common courtesy, I think he should have put it down, I would. Anyways, the next morning I saw that he had placed a flag in the back of where his inches are. I told the hub that his neighbor left him an underwear hanging in the back to remind him of his inches (inside joke)The surveyor came and neighbor was home shirtless as usual. The fact is that he was right on the back and I am happy it is. However in the front, his fance in on my property. When told by surveyor, he was all tame and asked me if I wanted his fence removed, he will do it. I told him that it does not bother me a few inches here or there because I could not grow a tomatoe plant on those inches anyways. But that I willput a fence between both to help him with his dogs because I cannot go in my backyard without his dogs going crazy and I woudl prefer my privacy and his peace of mind with his dogs. On top of all that, I own 33ft from the front of my house, meaning the county road is on my property, :lau Like they are going to do anything about that! Anyways, I am pleased that I know now my legal boundaries and that is all I really wanted so that I know that legally I am doing the right thing. I will be moving the fence about 8 inches in the back to goive the neighbor his inches back.
The girls are giving me eggs every day.Phoebe, the leghorn, gave me a super egg 2 days ago. It weighted 62kg while the store bought was 58kg. That was a mega egg right there, :woot
They are enjoying all the yard they have now. I was even thinking of when teh fence go up, I might just let them loose over the whole yard. They can have all one acre just for them, :celebrate
I willpost pictures this evening God permits. I have a few appointments to include a virtual ER visit for this flu cr***p

@SillyChicken I would love to find one of those in good used conditions that I can pull with my blazer. Nothing fancy. Hub is not into that I think but I always had one while in Florida and Texas and it is very relaxing just to take off and go. Your seems very nice. Enjoy it!
Well yesterday was a calm, normal day in the coop with the littles. There is the entrance where they can leave/enter as they like and everyone seems to be getting along. The other day was sheer chaos. I’m sure there will be many more days like that in future as they figure things out.

So hard to not intervene…
Sorry about your friend. Not many believe in prayers but they surely do not harm. I will keep you and your friends in my prayers.
I learned here not to get involved with their fussing if it is not lacking water or feed. I followed advises and plenty of places for them to run away. They are getting along fine. The Americauna and the naked neck which are part of the big 5, forget where they are and the sebrights will peck them fiercely away. Of course, Sophia, the naked neck is so dramatic, she crowls like Freddie Kruger was after her on Elm Street, :lau Other than that, they all walk the whole yard and even the little ones try to get the bugs out of teh big ones,:idunnoand then they get pecked on. So silly!
I haven't planted yet but went to a backyard fruit growers meeting (may not have been the exact name) put on by the soil conservation office a few years ago. I highly recommend starting with them. I think you can get an appointment so don't have to wait for a meeting. And you can go to offices in different districts (if yours doesn't have fruit specialists).

They had a LOT of info on which varieties are recommended for different areas (microclimates) and why. And for different situations or purposes.
I haven't planted yet but went to a backyard fruit growers meeting (may not have been the exact name) put on by the soil conservation office a few years ago. I highly recommend starting with them. I think you can get an appointment so don't have to wait for a meeting. And you can go to offices in different districts (if yours doesn't have fruit specialists).

They had a LOT of info on which varieties are recommended for different areas (microclimates) and why. And for different situations or purposes.
Great idea! Thanks. An old neighbor had an apricot tree growing up and my mom and godmother would make apricot jam and preserves. I wouldn’t mind having a few trees or really fruit shrubs for personal use and to provide a treat for the chickens and friends….in that order!
Off topic question…anyone have suggestions on fruit trees you have planted and your experience with them.
I’d like to add a fruit trees and am a total novice.
Any topic is a go here ;)
Agrees your county soil conservation office would be a good place to start.
We have tried apples and sour cherries. I have hope for the cherries for next bearing fruit next year. The apples will take a couple more, I think.

After losing a few little trees, this is what I've learned:
water often if it doesn't rain regularly
protect from deer
protect the base of the tree from mice

The deer have killed three little trees by browsing. The mice haven't, but could. I didn't water enough one summer and an apple tree died.

The fruit trees are on my Japanese Beetle hunting loop that I walk every day. I get probably 6-10 beetles. I get GOBS of beetles on the wild grape vines.

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