Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

This is what my husband says, but I say heat is better because it doesn't hurt my hands and feet to be hot. When they get cold (and they get cold quick), it hurts, and takes FOREVER to heat them back up (even with a heating pad). It doesn't matter how many layers I wear or how many socks or how good my boots are or how warm I was putting on these items of clothes, the cold comes in quick and stays. I suppose it all depends on the person.
I'll take the heat any day over the cold. My feet and hands ache terribly when it starts to cool. The cold intolerance is starting to creep into my knees and shoulders. I blame the first heart surgery. They had to chill my body way down for an extended period of time (16-18 hours). I used to love the winter season. I was always outdoors doing something, skiing, skating, sledding, ice diving and more. Oh well, this getting old is is not for the feint of heart.
I had today off but I didn't do a darn thing. A little bit of laundry after running an errand. I should have worked on any one of a number of projects. But with the reduction of hours at the store I should have plenty of time to get ready for winter. As much as I struggled to get extra hours at work I'm happy to have a reduced level of their manufactured stress and phony-drama. Now I can focus getting myself happy again.
Hope everyone is staying cool or comfortable for some like Raz. Yet have not gotten a 200 electric bill yet but if this continues, I bet it will come before the summer is over. I know that this summer will be longer again and will not see snow until mid December. But then again, that will drag winter and colder weather longer into next year.
Phoebe finished her med today. :celebrate She did not laid today. But I am collection 5 eggs a day. Will crack the big green egg tomorrow to see what Blanch got me,;). This evening the other little seabright, Tia was snooping around teh nests. That is how Tamara began. So hopefully soon I can collect 6 and finally 7 eggs a day.

Last Sunday I gave 30 eggs away to a family that spent the day here. Still have about 40 sitting in the kitchen and since I have no other appointments to Ann Arbor until Ocyober, they will go down for sure.

I am having at least 3 a day with one slice of bread. Today began with tuna. Had a sandwich earlier and one after workout. I am in a lot of pain today. Thank God I have some Naprosen and Benadryl. Hoping to go to bed soon and passout. At least I do not have to worry about Phoebe and getting her early to give her medicine.

I know for sure that tomorrow will do squat but check on the girls and crochet. I need a day to do completely nothing, :lau But Friday will see about getting early to Lowes and get some 2 x 4's and see how inthe world will finish the run. I am getting freaked out becaus ethat orange screen will not stop a predator for sure. Then Saturday morning I am thinking of going to do a drumfit workout. Will see!

Have a safe and wonderful evening! I love you all! You guys rock!

I think it's a breed thing. The most broody hens are my Sumatra mix hens they're at least 3-4 yrs old, and one of the Brahmas. If you leave eggs in a nest, they may be inclined to brood. I didn't collect for a couple days and now they're sitting on em.
yeah, been there done that! I spent 4 years working in retail hell. I ran the commercial sales desk at Lowes, most of my customers were great (though there were a few that were not). Management on the other hand, thought that ruling by fear and threats was an effective means of forcing productivity. I generally balked at it. There was one manager that I egged on (via making him do his job) on purpose to get him to make physical threats toward me like he had other women at the store. He was one of those live with mom, Mr. Rogers sweater wearing, potential hatchet murderer, mental cases. I got him in trouble with the store manager when ever he wouldn't do his job. He ended up moving to another store - mission accomplished. The last year I was there when the market got bad, they started to write us up if we didn't get the expected monthly amount of credit card applications, that were actually approved and used, not just applied for. Most of the contractors that came to the store already had cards and were already struggling and that was the year I got sick (it took me 6 months to recover from it). I always gave 10% discounts to my regulars or anyone with a big project and I was top in regional sales, so to have my job threatened by lack of interest in credit card aps with charges, well it pissed me off! I applied for a new job and got it... and got the heck out of retail! That was in 2008. I am really glad I did too as I was enjoying the career I had, till covid, then lost that job because the company was sold. A few years later I had a manager at another store tell me that she used me as a model for training her commercial sales team....... why I was never given complements on my work just goes to show the mentality behind retail.
All of my hens here are mature, between 2 and 3 years old. Not one of them has shown any sign of going broody. With 2 active roosters I know that I've been getting fertile eggs. I've checked. It's a mixed barnyard flock but even so you would think that at least one hen would go broody. I think my chickens are defective. :D
I have 2 that have been broody off and on all spring and summer. They go off for a week or 2 lay a couple eggs then go broody again. To bad you don't live closer, you could borrow them :)

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