Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Well, Phoebe is not white nor gray. I have no clue. I do know that the medication is kind of sticky and of course, dirt will get glued to the feathers.

Funny thing is that Blanch the Americauna has been laying rather small green eggs. Well apparently, she laid a large egg yesterday and I did not noticed. I thought it was one of the ceramic ones. But today I had the regular small green egg and noticed 3 large eggs. @ are ceramic eggs but then the other one must be just a large egg. I tap on it with my nails but cannot hear a difference. I guess I will have a broke ceramic egg tomorrow if I picked the wrong one, :lau

Things are getting by but my personal life is going to Sh***s. Yesterday was a very long day. I left around 6am to Ann Arbor and got back home at 628pm. I am hurting everywhere. I managed to loose 20 lbs, so my doc was very happy with me. But now he tells me about cholesterol. Darn doc is against me no matter what,:he I am not eating anything green unless it is the egg inside a green shell or avocado.
Well, I have been rather busy trying to go through some boxes to find my clothes sinc e I moved in November. Has anyone gone through this extensive unpacking after a move? It is horrible and needless to say, detrimental, :lau
So true! 65F to 70F is fine, warmer just ain't better. 90F? Miserable!
My grandmother was a real crazy old lady. Some might say that she was a wise woman but I am not sure. She always said that it was better to be cold than hot. That in the cold you can put layers of clothing to get warm. But when it is hot once you are naked, there is nothing else to take off. :lau:lau:lau
Real feel temp yesterday was 100*! Today, it's suppose to be higher. So, stay safe.
I always say the same thing... only can go so far when it's hot. Indoor chores today.
Had a fun two days sitting with my 1 yr old grandson. Glad it was only for 4 hr per day. Constant motion, he never stops. But, what a joy. Youngest of my son's five children and the only boy.
I've had 2 hens go broody. Same breed. (forget what breed they are!) For one, it's the second time. But the other 5 have not gone broody.
Well, take care and stay cool!

This is their new "food shelter." The back is a scrap of wood from the coop addition, the top is a piece of metal roofing leftover from roofing our house (26 years ago!).

Dreamz, painting everything white hides the really rough spots on the pallet boards! :gig

I still have (10) 8' 1x4 boards left. I have an idea for a dustbath enclosure, but I would need some 2x4s to make it, and I've used up the only 2x4 we had left. We'll get some more as soon as DH wants to build something.
Well, I have been rather busy trying to go through some boxes to find my clothes sinc e I moved in November. Has anyone gone through this extensive unpacking after a move? It is horrible and needless to say, detrimental, :lau
We moved in to our house and were unpacked within 1.5 weeks because I know I would be super stressed living out of boxes and not knowing where everything is. It was like Christmas opening all the boxes that had been in storage for 2 years!:ya

We would have been unpacked sooner, except that I had to wash every single dish.
My grandmother was a real crazy old lady. Some might say that she was a wise woman but I am not sure. She always said that it was better to be cold than hot. That in the cold you can put layers of clothing to get warm. But when it is hot once you are naked, there is nothing else to take off. :lau:lau:lau
This is what my husband says, but I say heat is better because it doesn't hurt my hands and feet to be hot. When they get cold (and they get cold quick), it hurts, and takes FOREVER to heat them back up (even with a heating pad). It doesn't matter how many layers I wear or how many socks or how good my boots are or how warm I was putting on these items of clothes, the cold comes in quick and stays. I suppose it all depends on the person.

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