Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Got a lot done. Stopped washing the windows to go get the broody crate out of the coop. Widget is done being broody, at least for now. I took it down to the garden to hose off. The hose end is rusting out, so not a good connection to the sprayer. I got plenty wet too.

To celebrate Widget being back with the flock, we had BOSS and mealworms for snack time. They got a few tossed out, and then had to take them from my fingers. Stormy wanted to just stand on my lap and eat them all.

Nobody has gotten on the chicknic table yet. I showed them a mealworm, then set it on the lower level of the table. Pecked off in seconds. On the top level? Nope, too scary/different. Silly chickens.
We have new neighbors! At least 5 kits. I hope they stay close and keep the woodchucks, voles, squirrels, and such at least down to reasonable numbers.


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I was blowing and raking leaves in the island and came across this beautiful snake. A friend says it is a corn snake. I really need a few ID books.

It stayed there long enough for me to run into the house for the camera. So as not to disturb him any further I have ceased yardwork for the day. Good excuse, eh? ;)


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Nice weekend coming up. Then really nice (or too hot, depending on what you think of 80s for temps) next week. Wheee! I am ready for warmth and sunshine!

Spent all my day cleaning. Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning windows, etc. We have company coming tomorrow (thus the cleaning), so Mother's Day, I'll be doing what I want to do: puttering in the garden.

And taking the windbreak panels and plastic off the run.
Nice weekend coming up. Then really nice (or too hot, depending on what you think of 80s for temps) next week. Wheee! I am ready for warmth and sunshine!
I welcome the heat. It just hasn't shown up here yet. It was a beautiful day here but on the cool side. It was only 50 degrees when I found the snake.
Now that the sun has set, it's darn chilly in the house. Cool enough that I started a fire to warm up the house.
I think tomorrow morning with be the last fire in the woodstove for a week. Or more.

Absolutely gorgeous day today. Chilly breeze, but I'm the only one who noticed, I think. Our best friends visited, and we had a great day. Good friends, good food, good times.

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