Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Here's the chicknic table I built. All scrap wood, leftover white paint. New screws. It's going in the run on Wednesday; I want the paint to cure a bit more.
At first they will run away, bawking, sure that this Thing is coming To Eat Them. I'll set it down, get it to sit level. Little and Stormy, the brave girls, will eye it suspiciously. One of them will slooooowly come over and inspect it. She'll cock her head to the side, look at it, eventually peck it.

Nothing will happen!

Another peck, another nothing. She'll hop up on it, and still nothing. She'll stand on it a bit, maybe poop on it, hop down, and walk away like she's Queen of the Mountain. :gig
Odd. I haven't been getting notifications of posts here. I was 3 pages behind but caught up now.
Any way. not much new here on the poultry front. The ducks are enjoying the puddles today. I think the crows have hatched. The adults have been coming in together. Both gather up food and fly up to their nest.

Starting to get the garden ready and a few flower beds worked on. I'm so glad that I have the tractor. Turned the compost and moved a few scoops to a new planting bed. I'll get it worked in once the rain stops and it dries enough to work. Then I need to put up fencing to keep the chickens out of it. Just another day of living in the woods.
We've probably gotten an inch or more of rain today. It can water in the seeds I planted a few days ago.

Tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be dry, if not nice and sunny. Gonna get my hands dirty, that's for sure!

I'm still waiting for the last batch of seed potatoes to arrive. I'll get those planted, fill in the rows with the ones sprouting in the basement, and then I can cross taters off my list.

Widget is still broody. I think she's going to spend another night in the crate. How long after I break her might she start laying eggs again? She was one of my most consistent layers until this happened.
Is there anyone in Northern Wisconsin or the U.P. selling adult Ducks? I have 12 Khaki's coming on June 1st, but they're Ducklings and won't lay an egg until Winter so I'd like to get something going a little sooner than that. I have a coop and run ready.
Northeastern Wisconsin or central U.P.

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