Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ok, removed and then came in to finish dinner and eat. She had chugged more than half of teh water and some crumble feed. Then I went back to bring them a few of the left overs and they are ok. It is dark out there. At least I am not expecting hail but I will not be here to tend for the heat expected tomorrow. Only hub. I asked him to make sure the have water even though I did their water today. Was not able to get any fruits to freeze. Too far out.
I am leaving early to AA to go to their ER for my stupid pain in the face and right knee. They had cancelled the one I was supposed to have today and they keep telling me to go to the ER. I am not going to the ER around here.
Rose, will text you tomorrow to see what is happening to see if we can get together and plan.
Love you all!
My little bantam Speckled Sussex has gone broody - so funny to see her stomping around grumbling when I get her off the nest. Ordered some Ebay eggs for her.

Broody hens will often sit so tightly they will not even get off the nest. When they do poop it is a huge ball of powerfully smelly poop. If they do that on the nest, it can ruin the hatch.

Get her off the nest every day - usually you have to pick them up and set them down a little distance away, or they just hop back on. They need to walk around, eat, drink, poop, maybe dust bathe a little, grumbling and bad-tempered the whole time. Then if they are truly broody they will get back in the nest. You need to watch that they get back into the right box, and remove any extra eggs that show up in there. Best to separate them from the other birds if possible, it reduces the risk of issues arising.

Old-time candling devices actually did use a candle. Nowadays a bright LED flashlight works fine.
Technology is so advanced these days,lol

However, ended up going nowhere today. It is so hot is not even funny. I have to go and get some watermelons and stuff for the girls for sure. Let them out for about 20 min but it was so hot, I brought them back in and I am inside. Ac at 60 but still at 70. It is working very hard to push it,lol I even turned on the one on my bedroom to see if that helps.
Nothing done in the yard either. I need to move to the north pole I guess,lol
I did some garden work this morning, before it got too hot. Then took a nap. :thumbsup

I saw this in the garden:

It's my first tomato flower. A variety called Hungarian Heart, which I've never grown before. So far, I'm impressed.

We just put the window AC unit in. Ahhhhhh.....
Driving on a back road today, stopped for a small snake, alive but not moving well. Poor little thing looked okay (not HBC), but 'circling', not moving forward. Got it into a paper bag (all I had in the car) and drove to Cedar Creek Vet, where they treat reptiles. It was DOA, sadly, and a milk snake, first I've ever seen. Nobody there had ever seen one in the wild either!
More information tomorrow, i hope. may have eggs, they were going to look.

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