Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

P3 has been limping. Checked her all around and all seems OK. I think she is still mocking me or getting older,lol
Last night had a chase in the yard. A possum was walking around. I chase him towards the back but it tried to charge at me. Need to get my machete out and put it on a broom stick. I will chop it like a steak but he's not getting my mama's.
P3 limping, noticed her nails are super long. Once I was able to grab her, I noticed this. Is this bumblefoot? What next? 20230313_170737.jpg
Stood her on warm water with Epsom salt. Unable to pop bottom. Cut nails and filed them. Put antibiotic ointment and wrapped it. Left her inside for a while after a little blow drying, then put her on roost late. Tomorrow will get a salve and do it all again until it pops out. The nails got long since she is not using them much and figure it hurts her. Nothing has happen my girls and they have been so blessed and cared by their Creator. I even feel guilty by leaving them with a nanny, 😭
is not a fan of diapers,lol


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