Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Our thermometer hit 96 today. I'm not sure I always trust its highs and lows. That high of 96 might be partly affected by Sun. Could also be affected by how our property sits. We are surrounded by trees. Sometimes we are hotter than "The Weather" says we are supposed to be, but also at other times like during the winter -- or even last week -- when we are much lower than predicted. I kept my tomatoes in even when they "should" have been fine outside, and I was glad I did!-
I have 2 weather stations here. The one on the garage is about 150' from the house and well exposed. The one on the house is mostly shaded and protected from wind by the tree cover. The differences can be quite a bit.
Going down to the lake can be 10 degrees cooler depending on the wind. Going inland to work can be 10 degrees warmer. I find it all to be pretty fascinating.
I have a powerful preference for Delicata
Delicata is my favorite. We cut it in half, dig out the seeds, add meat of our choice and bake it for 1-2 hours at 350 degrees. My wife says she checks it periodically. It's one of those things where she does it and doesn't really keep note of how long it takes.
Not bugging at all!

I was able to jump on bringing dessert, so I get to bring my GF chocolate cake. I can only make it if I can take it somewhere. Otherwise, I might eat the entire thing!
Is that really wrong? 😇
Sometimes like on these that I questioned why did I stop at Michigan instead of keep going north,lol I dislike anything over 75.
Yet, did some yard work and had a guy come and take a pine tree down that was all up by the electric lines. Even the AC thinks is too hot,lol. Past 11am, it just goes on without stopping.
Hope everyone is ok with those heavy clouds from the Forrest fires in Canada.
I'm hand watering the gardens on alternate days. I do check the squash plants I bought, as they need water every day.

It got down to 62 last night, so I have fans blowing out in the upstairs windows, to pull in cooler air downstairs.

Chickenstock is two weeks from Saturday! :clap Since we have a covered area, don't be mad at me if I'm really happy if it's raining that day.
That high of 96 might be partly affected by Sun.
If the thermometer is in the sun it surely will.....plus all therms are not all that accurate.

It got down to 62 last night, so I have fans blowing out in the upstairs windows, to pull in cooler air downstairs.
Here too, felt great!
I got the whole house fan uncovered and running last evening.
Really helps to draw in cooler air as well as flush the hotter air out of the attic.
Course drawing cool and humid night air inside can make for discomfort the next day.
We had our first missing chicken tonight at night check. Low and behold it was our runt black australorp. Found her on the backside of the run nestled down in the weeds. Got her perched up on a roost and shut them in for the night. It was hot again. I hate it. lol
Trying to suck in the cool air while it's still cool here in the morning, and push the hot air out through the upstairs window via the fan. I really prefer this method of cooling the house to having the ac unit in the window.

Tomorrow is a plant sale in Belding. I hope to get some clumps of daisies before they're all gone; I'm told the good things go fast. I'm trying to get bee-friendly plants established here.

We have some already that I didn't know they liked. They like oak pollen, and we have that in excess, as it was all over the cars. They like lilac and redbud, and we have some of those too. By "we," I mean within their flying distance, so some of the plants are on the neighbor's property.

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