Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Wow, Wynette! What an adventure. You know, I'm just down the street, you could have called me for help. Glad you and Dave are ok!!
Another beautiful day. Got lots of weeding done yesterday, but oh so much more to do.
Today is my wedding anniversary. 41 years. Where does the time go?????
Is a bee sting suppose to hurt this long?? Got stung Sat nite and still have a huge welt on my arm and still hurts and itches. Darn lil buggers.
for the chicks to hatch.

Enjoy you day y'all.
Is anyone going through Howell or Midland on their way to the North / NorthEast suburbs of Detroit in the near future? I'm helping someone find a Serama (world's smallest chicken breed) hen. Thanks!
Good morning, friends! Brethren - CROSSED FINGERS...keep us posted!

I didn't know that about Clematis; I have a HUGE Lilac "bush" - it's taller than my house and ancient. And, I have several Clematis that I need to transplant - thanks so much for this idea!

Had an almost horrible situation last night; went to pick up hay - we had the wrong ball on the truck - DH is always super, super careful about that stuff, but he said he remembered the last trailer we used was our flatbed, which is what we used last night. LSS, the trailer full of hay bounced off the ball in the middle if I-69! OH my word, the trailer was whipping left and right...I about had a heart attack! We were SO fortunate - no one hit any of the bales that flew off, our trailer didn't hit anyone, and a semi truck that was directly behind us stopped to stop the traffice. The 2 men inside hopped out and helped us move the bales on the expressway off to the side, saying, "We knew the traffic wouldn't stop for you, but would stop for us!" Then, after we pulled off to the side and made a call to my brother for help, we started carrying the huge bales - which were QUITE a ways back - to the trailer. After carrying just 3 of the 12 that flew off, ANOTHER good Samaritan stopped & picked up teh rest & transported them to the truck for us. What a blessing! DH tried to give him some cash to thank him, and he said simply, "pay it forward." So, what could have been a potentially super serious and negative situation, in my eyes, turned out to be just fine! The chains on the trailer did their job - we only lost 2 bales that burst open, and the only damage was the post of the trailer that you use to park it (not sure what that thing is called) is bent at about a 45 degree angle. But, it could have been SO SO much worse!

Then, about a half hour after we got home, a friend from work, who I'd mentioned that I was picking up hay to, texted me: "Did you lose some hay on I-69?" I replied, "Yes, details tomorrow." She replied, "I saw it on the Flint police ops" (whatever that is.) well, needless to say, apparently someone must have called 911 - but no copes ever showed up, and my guess is that we were there probably 90 minutes. OH well, we didn't need them anyway, I just found it humerous. I'm so happy to be sitting here typing today, just like normal, though!
Wynette! I am so happy that you are safe! Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
Wynette, that was a close call, thank goodness everyone was ok. I have to say, I69 is the best x-way in MI, very few crazy people and most drive like it's Sunday lol. Thankfully you weren't on 96 or 23, it would've been a 50 car pile up with the idiots on those roads.
I gave up on broccoli this year because I spent soooo many hours picking those worms in previous years that I just couldn't bring myself to do it again.
I dusted my broccoli 2 or 3 times this season with baby powder. I just finished picking and freezing all the big heads of broccoli and only found 2 worms but then again I soak the heads in slat water first just in case.
I dusted my broccoli 2 or 3 times this season with baby powder. I just finished picking and freezing all the big heads of broccoli and only found 2 worms but then again I soak the heads in slat water first just in case.

Really? Does that work? I had no idea that baby powder helped!!! Weird. Is it just normal baby powder or one of the varieties with herbal oils in it?
That's a puffball mushroom!!! I'm not sure what their technical name is, but I grew up with them. As a kid, they are TONS of fun!!! When it gets fully mature, it will turn brown and crunchy. If you stomp on it, it will send a cloud of spores out that look like a big cloud of dust...
I'm told they are good to eat. some old man brought one into where my hubby works for anyone that wanted to fry it to eat. I think the trick to picking them at the right time is to get them early before they become stomping toys.

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