Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


I'm "new" as in... I'm back! I was very active on the site a couple of years ago, but I got busy with life, had to sell the last of my chickens, etc. I missed having my birds!!!
Broody mama question. It's been 4 days since chick 1 hatched, and 2 days since the last one hatched and I'm thinking I could open the dog crate at this point but *I* am worried about the chicks. My run is chain link do chicks could easily get out, or get under the coop, or something. .

I have chain link inside my barn separating the duck area (=my area) from DH's area. I had ducklings get out last Friday, and they were 1week old. So yes I bet yours could get out. I did find a roll of that green PVC Hardware cloth in the neighbor's trash (Thanks!), so I plan to cut that and zip tie around to prevent that from happening again. Of course the ducklings don't *try* to get out unless the 10yr old is chasing them!
What day did you set your eggs? Your bator might have been running a bit warm if they're internally pipped already. Mine are on day 18, due Friday. Don't be nervous of the peeping... they seem to be running a bit ahead of schedule, but peeping means they're alive yet & that's good. Now that you're locked down, the humidity is up, & they'll come when they're ready. :) Peeping is exciting!

I'm not sure what price to ask for my silkie chicks... If I can't tell the pullets from cockerels by Chickenstock (which I likely wont on the newborns/2wk olds), I figured maybe $10 ea straight run. ?? Not looking to make a large profit, just want to cover my cost of incubating/feed/time.
Part of the problem is that certain agencies get their marching orders from the main office in Lansing. And the prime directive seems to be "don't make waves". Not much help for a backyard farmer as far as legal help.

In fact, MDARD and MAEAP have new "rules" that exclude farms of less than 50 animal units and/or live in certain areas. Over 80% of the state cannot be certified based on this recent criteria. Thus not protected by MRTFA.

It is not just my criminal chickens, this is happening to hog operations, small dairies, tree farms and a host of other farm operations. We seem to be losing our rights at every turn. IMO

We are zoned Ag so I usually feel pretty safe about our animals and gardens and trees and such, but that could easily change one day. We certainly don't have 50 animal units, and have no desire to ever have that much going on. We're more "homesteaders" than "farmers", most of what we grow and raise is for our own use, though we do sell things when we have extra. Our "farm" products save us TONS of money on groceries, wood heat in winter saves on fuel costs, and just taking care of/watching/playing with the animals creates hours of free entertainment for our family. I often think about what I'd do if one day someone came to the door and told us that we were no longer "allowed" to keep our animals. Let's just say it wouldn't be pretty, I have a pretty sharp tongue when I'm angry, and DH has a pretty short fuse, especially when it comes to our rights.

Things in this country are pretty messed up on so many levels, but when our own governments start telling us that we do not have the right to feed ourselves and our children the way that we see fit then we've got a REAL problem.
Did you all see the story about the man in Garden City. I guess it's probably been discussed on this forum, but since he's a BYC user, I really think it would be great to give some support to him! His neighbor gave some pretty terrible excuses for why he dislikes the chickens, I'm assuming it's more of a grudge against the man. Anyways, best of luck to him and his case!
Not only has it been discussed (a LOT!) we've gotten info straight from the man himself! That particular Garden City resident is a regular poster on this thread.
I just have to say, it is horrible to finally have great weather and not be able to go outside. My allergic 3 1/2 year old son's face swells up and all the waterworks come on if he is outside for more than five minutes. And this is while taking 4 different allergy meds, so I am stuck in the house until the trees stop dropping pollen. :(

We did manage to make it through several hours at Menards last weekend and have most of the supplies to build our 5x3' tractor. Probably overkill like we usually do. The 1/2" treated plywood was ridiculously wavy so we went with the 3/4" which seemed awfully heavy. I just about lost my sanity trying to keep my 3 & 5 year olds from scaling the stacks of lumber or getting run over by pickup trucks but we all got out in one piece.

My six remaining mottled cochin eggs are going into lockdown tonight. I am really hoping they all hatch, as I could use more than two good cochin hens. I think the pullet I hatched last fall has twisted wings, or maybe she just needs to grow in more feathers so they look normal. She has some of the oddest wispy feathering but I'm giving her more time and hope it all molts out soon. I am beginning to believe that the $80 and $40 I paid for those 5 month old pullets was money well spent compared to what I am dropping into hatching eggs and getting all cockerals or poor quality pullets.
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I think you are talking about that lazy slacker antigovernment chicken-loving nutcase Raz! ( how's that Raz?
X2 That would be me.

I just have to say, it is horrible to finally have great weather and not be able to go outside. My allergic 3 1/2 year old son's face swells up and all the waterworks come on if he is outside for more than five minutes. And this is while taking 4 different allergy meds, so I am stuck in the house until the trees stop dropping pollen. :(
Have you tried giving him local honey? It is a popular home remedy that many folk believe help with allergies.
I know of 2 scientific studies on it. One was inconclusive and the other showed improvement but statistical results weren't very good (p was very high. Science nerds will get it).
A spoonful of honey seems to help keep my allergies in check.

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