Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thank you guys for input on chickens! Wow, in 18 hours there is a lot to catch up on with the Michigan Thread!
RAZ, I'm sorry to hear of more harassment! It's crazy what extent they are going through to give you a hard time. I think their time would be better spent volunteering for a good cause!
Opa, I love drinking coffee with you in the morning! Speaking of which, I'm ready for a refill.
Lady, that is beautiful art!
I wish I could do that with making a hat. I have taken books out from library to try to learn, but after one row, its all down hill for me :-( the hat looks awesome!
TC, good luck. Not sure I would get eggs/chicks from the same source next time just to be safe.

Raz, just....:rolleyes:

When we go down to southern Florida in the winter we see huge flocks of vultures enjoying the warm weather - hundreds at a time will circle over the keys where we are fishing, an awesome sight.
Five of the Iowa Blues that I had available went to a new home yesterday, and I have the best rio left, literally, two beautiful Birchen Pullets and a big Birchen cockeral who is developing a beautiful white laced neck and back. They are also quiet and sweet .

The Icelandic flock now has 14 hens and pullets so come spring I'll be hatching out a lot of Icelandics here.

I am also going to go for the certification on the flock.
Opa, you are right. Watching the vultures was mesmerizing. I went to the Audubon society & saw the "V" description. At one point I had 10 circling overhead, cool, but almost "Stephen King-like" creepy at the same time! Birds decided they would just hang out under the deck! Yellow jackets. I got stung for the FIRST time in my life last week at work. 5 times by one. It crawled up my leg inside my jeans at work while I was outside, got back to my desk, sat down, thought I was going nuts as I felt like bugs were crawling on me. Well, one was. Of course, I scratched at my jeans & the yellow jacket wasn't amused. Hurt like heck...luckily I have an office & was able to slam the door, whip my jeans off & dispatch the culprit. But not until it had gotten me 5x. I did not know yellow jackets were actually from the wasp family & usually do not lose their stingers when they use them. Ah, we learn something everyday ...even though it is sometimes painful:D
I have a pair of scars from a yellow jacket that managed to end up down my shirt front, and in between the girls. I thought I was going to die! Rotten buggers.
This is a print I pulled back in college, intaglio, aquatint on zinc, printed on german etch. Buzzards have long been one of my favorite birds. I watched them as a child and they "haunted" both my conscious and subconscious. Art has always been the outlet for my bird obsession. I went to art college in Columbus, OH and having no social life, I would drive out to the countryside in the Hocking region, alone, on the weekends and watch the buzzards out there. Southern Ohio has A LOT of buzzards.
and another, drypoint intaglio on copper - printed on german etch.
Shameless plug: http://ladyrsanti.deviantart.com/gallery/
Very much reminds me of Hawthorne for some reason, a bit more than King, though surely fits with King.
Thanks I'm not far. I also work with auto's so let me know about your truck.
Trade services!
I have a few mechanics who figured this out the hard way. I put 1 out of business. Told me I had a blown head gasket, would cost 800. I said, no, I only paid 400 to buy the car; I was not paying 800 to keep it running. #@%`#) had the nerve to tell me I should talk it over with my H first.

I said loudly, in front of his PACKED lobby, I have been your customer fir over a year. In that tome, I have handled all calls, payments, arrangements, drop offs, pickups... You #%@(@)#% have never even spoken to my husband, let alone met him. Yet you have the NERVE to tell me that I need to talk it over with him! Give me my keys, now.

3 people grabbed their keys and left right after me, and the business was clised in less than a month.

Karma is fun.

And I won't even start my political input. I tend to speak graphically. Lol.

It's funny. Some people are stuck in the dark ages. I love when I know more about a power tool then the dude selling it to me. It's that look that they know they bit off more then they can chew that makes being a girl who owns more power tools then they ever will worth it :)
Yea tried pea gravel and mulch for the dog run. Not a good long term solution just got muddy after awhile. Figured I would try sand for them too.

Next load of gravel or sand, my plan is to 1st lay the black landscape fabric... Although I imagine something like burlap would work too, but would deteriorate over time. Miss Lydia over on The Duck Side gave me that advice. And I discussed that here before, like RaZ said then, there are positives and negatives to that tactic.

So I decided today that my flock is way too spoiled. I've got these 2 gals running up begging for food nonstop and literally hollering at me while I'm inside my house, doing people related chores. So today I decided (after much coffee) that we were going to talk a long walk out back to pasture, where the bugs literally swarm me each and every time I go there. So the 1st time, these spoiled ducks ran right back up, honking their guts out... Finally the 3rd time, they decided they might like to be normal ducks and forage a bit. Here's a pic of one of my Fall Hatch KCs (or KC x Rouen) & also my super pretty Runner pair. I love Fall. Except for the allergies!


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