Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


The report from Lansing this morning is that the number of public responses is closer to 800 pages. What is not clear yet if that is the number of people who responded or simply the number of sheets of paper.

What is MOST distressing is that MDARD has been skirting the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) by stalling, mailing the original e-mail to the requestor's place of employment, adding extra copy fees and generally delaying the legal process and their duty.

Stay tuned folks, we are fighting for our rights and MDARD doesn't like it.

Keep those e-mails flowing to the commissioners. Thank you.
sand around here is $4 to $5 a bag, take a lot of bags of sand to fill that area 4or5" deep

Had an opossum in the hen house last tight, DH and DGS got him out and disposed of him for me, should get a few more eggs now. think he has beenhiding in and around the hen house for some time. some BIG poo in the coop...no hens or roos had been hurt but he ate well on their food and eggs
OH, and have been seeing some moster foot tracks in the snow. Looks like it could be dog, of medium size... BUT then I think coon, but the tracks only follow along the shoveled paths and no where else. I figure some one is letting their dogs run in the middle of the night. We also have a new neighbor that has moved in down on the other side of the blueberry farm... might be them. Most people round here do not let their dogs run loose at all.
Quote:Originally Posted by preciouskitty Yup, spring and mating go to their heads. Red flags for his behavior extremes was "lowest on totem pole" and "on top in the nest box" He may not be mean on purpose, he is lowest on the totem and has to be fast and aggressive to get a hen before the big bosses stop him! He is seeing you as being trying to stop him, too; i am guessing blackie is low on the pecking order too. Not much you can do if you can't seperate the roos to different coops/ pens; if you can seperate them i'd give him his own space for a week and then try to introduce whatever his potential mates would be and watch him to see that he's not to aggressive with them. I'd NOT give him the lowest girls, maybe one or two from the middle order if you can. Otherwise........... The more penned the less roos you can have :( Free range can get away with more roos, but more risk......... always good and bad to any setup. :( The more you physically fight with him, the meaner he'll get.

Quote:Originally Posted by Opa Mmmmmm :)

Quote:Originally Posted by Chase Family Underground chickens, lol

Quote:Originally Posted by NovaAman I'll take the "guest" cabin, LOL. :D
Here is the property my sister is trying to get me salivating for... OMG! If I sold my home here, I'd clear about $100k on it...
http://knoxville.craigslist.org/reb/4315717356.html not to far from Knoxville...
That is beautiful maybe we can take turns visiting. what a lovely setting
Well my big girls are COMPLETE slackers. No eggs from them today, and I got 4 out of the pullet coop. I also noticed when I was feeding the youngest group (4 lavender/buff orpington mixes and 1 araucana) that one of the girls suddenly has RED wattles! Guess I'd better get out there and shovel that coop out and get some sort of nest box in there! They're 22 weeks, so it's not unreasonable for them to start laying. My other option is to put them in with the big girls, but I'm not sure that would be the best idea since I've got the big girls cooped up right now. I'd have a lot of shovel work to do to let them back outside, but it may not be a bad idea since we're going to have a house-sitter in a month and a half......less coops to feed/water. OOOOh decisions decisions.

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