Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Lol. Never had a duck. I bet she is a sweetie!

I got the job! I hope there is not too much ot. I have had issues with ot the last year and a half, always animal problems follow (or during) just like kids for me. This means i can now get the coop i've dreamed of for so long!!!!!!!

Congrats on the job Fuzzy!!
Then maybe if they are open let them see pics of potential coops. Most of the time i think the fuss is worry over potential eyesores. Or the dirt/noise factor. Otherwise plan to plant a lot of bushes!!!!

I think we. MI byc'ers should put together a set of videos for this kind of situation, showing clean contented hens and management practice/disposal shots. I can be the happy chicken hugger at the end- LOL. It could be a good resource if it were downloadable to a memory card or something? I'm thinking with a folder with pics and a presentation pamphlet of some sort???
I don't think it is a fuss over potential eyesores, the fuss is about local government control over what you can do in your own yard. I don't think a video will help. Sound science and public support hasn't worked.

This Thursday, the Ag Commission is going to vote on new GAAMPs that will strip RTF protection from nearly 80% of Michigan citizens. With the urging and support of the Farm Bureau and Michigan Township Association, the only farm activity allowed will be on land that is specifically zoned for Agriculture usage. That means chickens regardless of how many, how nice the coop is and how much land you have. If you are zoned Residential, you will lose your rights under this new ruling.

Our fate is in the hands of five (5) appointed bureaucrats. Most of them with direct ties to big ag operations. Not to mention that the MDARD director sits with the commissioners and she is openly against small farms, urban and suburban farms. She especially despises backyard chicken keepers. And the commission chair is her puppet.

I am very worried about what will happen in three (3) days.
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Does anyone worm their chickens and with what and how often

Thanks Kimmie
I use safeguard for goats in their water and 2 weeks later ivermectin pour on for cattle topically on their back between their wings, twice a year. According to my vet( who checks for worms) it works.

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