Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I've been looking at YouTube videos of silkies first attempts at crowing -- some as young as 10 weeks. I am desperate to know if I can keep my little one or I'll have to re-home her. Anyone know a week marker to start looking out for signs that my sweet she might be a he (attempts at crowing, long wattles, anything else)? The three hens will sometimes all make a humming noise together and the silkie chimes in, but no obvious roo signs. She's 9 weeks today!
give us some pics! I will say that the cockerels we got had larger combs than the pullets of the same age.....they don't really 'pink up' because of their black skin so you can't go by that so much.

Final chick count is 22, *maybe* 23. My broody pushed her last chick off to the side after it got out of the shell, and when I went out to check on it, it was cold to the touch, but still moving (barely). I've got it in the incubator trying to get it to warm up now (warmed it for a little bit with warm towels first) and we'll see if it perks up or not. Quite a few blue chicks, which makes me HAPPY! Love my blue birdies! One of my other silkies seems to be broody now, so I'll have to give her a few eggs.
Guess what I found today when I got home from work?
Day 21!
4 new fuzzy butts under broody mum!!!
My first broody!!! ;-D
Love those goats! It was a decent afternoon yesterday and we got a lot of cleaning done around the coop area. There are now piles everywhere with things to keep, metal, wood, garbage and burnables. The chickens had a great time grabbing worms that were hiding under everything.

I have an non chicken question. Last Thursday my sister's basement flooded and they thought it was because their sump pump shorted out. They have been fighting water since. They have it coming in at a rate of about 5 gallons a minute and it seems to be increasing. It has actually cracked the floor in the past few days. They had a basement/ water guy come out and he has told them he believes it is a new spring not just a high water table. He said he's never seen anything like it and could only recommend getting more pumps. I'm putting this out here with hopes someone has had similar situation and can help out. My sister is going a bit nuts. They pulled all the carpets and pitched them with no hopes of getting them dry. They have a theater room, game room, bed room and storage that were all damaged and insurance that won't cover it because they are not in a flood prone area. Thanks!
@ibrykowski2011 yes i am still interested.. havent found any yet. still looking
She's been sitting 18 days and doing good so far, at our 1/2 way point.
Only being 9mos old I was so worried she would quit, but she's doing good. Just wish I could candle them to see how many are fertile, but she just gets to upset if anyone comes near her.
I've been looking at YouTube videos of silkies first attempts at crowing -- some as young as 10 weeks. I am desperate to know if I can keep my little one or I'll have to re-home her. Anyone know a week marker to start looking out for signs that my sweet she might be a he (attempts at crowing, long wattles, anything else)? The three hens will sometimes all make a humming noise together and the silkie chimes in, but no obvious roo signs. She's 9 weeks today!
I recently got silkies so I'm still new to this too. Mine are about 9 weeks also. I have 6 and so far 3 are crowing. They started 2 -3 weeks ago! UGH! When I pick them up the ones that crow feel like they have an "adams apple"
The other three don't. Also the combs are bigger and the wattles are bigger. On the other 3 the wattles are almost non-existent. But I've heard too with silkies they fool you up to a year old, or until they either crow or lay an egg? But I've never had silkies and I've never kept roos before so I don't know much about it. But it is strange to feel that lump in the middle of their necks.
I guess I'll wait until they start laying before I decide.

Also, since the crowing started my Buff Orp. has started acting more aggressive! Yikes! She is settling down a bit but still not used to seeing her like that, she was always so laid back.

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