Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

got a question for everybody. one of my hens got rather seriously pecked by the other. to the point where the better part of her tail is missing. luckily though it looks like i caught them at it before she was too throughly injured to survive. i isolated her and cleaned her bloody bits as best i could with some peroxide then wiped it clean with warm water. so my question is: Is there anything I should be putting on my chickens wounds or should i just keep her isolated until she's healed up enough to rejoin the flock? thanks in advance.
got a question for everybody. one of my hens got rather seriously pecked by the other. to the point where the better part of her tail is missing. luckily though it looks like i caught them at it before she was too throughly injured to survive. i isolated her and cleaned her bloody bits as best i could with some peroxide then wiped it clean with warm water. so my question is: Is there anything I should be putting on my chickens wounds or should i just keep her isolated until she's healed up enough to rejoin the flock? thanks in advance.
I have seen others here recommend using blue kote on chicken wounds. Just remember if you have the spray on kind, whatever doesn't go on the chicken is going to go somewhere else, so don't be like my idiot cousin who sprayed that on his dog inside on the carpet.
I think he just ended up getting a rug to cover that spot until they got around to replacing the carpet.
I have seen others here recommend using blue kote on chicken wounds. Just remember if you have the spray on kind, whatever doesn't go on the chicken is going to go somewhere else, so don't be like my idiot cousin who sprayed that on his dog inside on the carpet.
I think he just ended up getting a rug to cover that spot until they got around to replacing the carpet.
I have a pair of pants with a pretty blue spray pattern on one leg....
Hi Lonetengu, welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread :)

If your bird has open wounds it would be better to separate her until they close. Blu Kote will help keep the other birds from picking the area when she goes back in. It does stain terribly.

When you do put her back in, you may want to remove the bully for a few days to a separate cage, to allow the injured bird to reenter the flock without being picked on again
If you reside in category 3 or 4 as described by MDARD you will not be able to keep bees even if you have a fence or the hives can't be seen. 

The Public Comment period is open until December 12th, at 5 pm.  You can email, write, or show up at the public comment period. 

Details are here:  http://www.michigan.gov/mdard/0,4610,7-125--341136--,00.html

Raz, I've been trying to keep up on the bee keeping part of the proposed GAAMP changes, and I cannot find where category 3 and 4 does not allow for keeping bees. Only that the flight patern needs to be diverted from near by neighbors and public areas (250 feet I think) through a privacy fence or something.
Could you copy and paste or send me a link? I'm very curious of their wording for the category 3&4. I want to include that in my letter to MDARD. My last harassment, I mean frequent correspondence resulted in them adding the exception for residential zoning of large properties to continue to have the protection. They were going to exclude EVERYONE zoned residential! While I think everyone should keep their right to farm protection, I did try to paint a clear picture of what residential farming looks like. Environmentally friendly, exceptional animal care, and positive community interaction.
I hope we can influence MDARD to keep small farmers farming!
Quote: The designation comes from the Siting GAAMP. That is the first thing that is looked at. If you are cat 3 or 4 then the local government just stops reading. Besides, very few residential lots can meet the 200 foot setback so they are automatically excluded. If you do meet that, you still have to get city permission to put up a fence.

I would be curious to read about your exception. Was that just between you and MDARD? I can find no one at the state level who will admit that any conversation even took place with you over your case. Commissioner Kennedy did say that he had heard something about it.
The designation comes from the Siting GAAMP. That is the first thing that is looked at. If you are cat 3 or 4 then the local government just stops reading. Besides, very few residential lots can meet the 200 foot setback so they are automatically excluded. If you do meet that, you still have to get city permission to put up a fence. 
I would be curious to read about your exception. Was that just between you and MDARD? I can find no one at the state level who will admit that any conversation even took place with you over your case. Commissioner Kennedy did say that he had heard something about it.

I think its funny that the line commissioner who added wording that ultimately saved our farm from further harassment doesn't remember why he spoke up about the change.
I emailed you direct correspondence from him. Maybe that will clear it up...

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