Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Goodness... all the sickness & Opa & Glambka... Hope everyone heals/recovers nicely.

I'm in "not quite" the same boat. I started my traction therapy on my neck/back with the chiropractor. Just 24 visits, 3 months, he said, and he can correct my spinal degeneration in my neck & it'll be good to go. No problem, right?!. Oh boy... I'm 4 visits in, and they SUCK. My word I can't believe how painful its becoming... & I have 10 weeks to go? :( He keeps increasing the weights & angles or whatever it is he does. I think I must have a low tolerance for pain, but somehow it just doesn't seem right. Just a few minutes hooked into this "contraption" at the chiropractor's office & I am at the "don't touch me!" stage. **sigh**. 20 more visits... just 20 more visits. :/ I will get through this. I will not be a wuss, I will suck it up!

The slackers in my coop are still slacking... except for 1. We have one lady that has decided she doesn't want to be in the soup pot! Yippee! Now to get the rest of them back to work. Their vacation was long enough.

I'm enjoying this January much better than last year's January. So far. :)
Maah, I think pain can be a sign that there is a problem - I would NEVER let a chiropractor hurt me that way, they can do a lot of harm.

Just sent an online letter to both Representative Tim Kelly and my own district representative regarding the bill Farmerboy posted - it never hurts to make your voice heard

Dear Rep. Kelly,

I would like to thank you for introducing House Bill 4012 to the Michigan legislature. It has been increasingly clear that for some reason the current administration is moving against the ability of residents to support themselves by growing and raising their own food. While I think it very reasonable for there to be certain restrictions on industrial agriculture in communities, it is quite unlikely that keeping a few hens or rabbits, or growing a vegetable patch, are going to be a health issue for surrounding residents. Most communities already have noise ordinances in place, and a reasonable number of small production animals would be unlikely to produce any more noise or waste than the typical family dogs.

I certainly remember my days working on farms, and wonder how many people recognize how their food is produced, or where it comes from. For those who would prefer to avoid large-scale agricultural production, raising their own food should be an option.

Thank you again
Hi Darguth.
The folks on this form is where I would buy my chicks from. I plan on having some Buff Orpington chicks in the spring but nothing now. Welcome to the group!! I think you will find this forum filled with the information you'll need to be successful in you new venture.

Thanks :)

If there are any breeders in Michigan that you know of, please let me know. I'd much rather work with local breeders or hobby farmers than with the big operations, if I can help it.
Just sent an online letter to both Representative Tim Kelly and my own district representative regarding the bill Farmerboy posted - it never hurts to make your voice heard

Dear Rep. Kelly,

I would like to thank you for introducing House Bill 4012 to the Michigan legislature. It has been increasingly clear that for some reason the current administration is moving against the ability of residents to support themselves by growing and raising their own food. While I think it very reasonable for there to be certain restrictions on industrial agriculture in communities, it is quite unlikely that keeping a few hens or rabbits, or growing a vegetable patch, are going to be a health issue for surrounding residents. Most communities already have noise ordinances in place, and a reasonable number of small production animals would be unlikely to produce any more noise or waste than the typical family dogs.

I certainly remember my days working on farms, and wonder how many people recognize how their food is produced, or where it comes from. For those who would prefer to avoid large-scale agricultural production, raising their own food should be an option.

Thank you again
Thank you for doing that. We all should be aware of this bill and the impact that it can have. It does seem a bit ludicrous that we need a need law to state what is already a legal right in the state. But since the attack on small farm operations and the change in the GAAMPs last April, I can see the need for some common sense legislation.

Let your elected representatives and senators know how you feel. Call, e-mail or send a letter. You can find your rep here: http://www.house.mi.gov/mhrpublic/
Tomorrow is the Ag Commissioners meeting. Two new commissioners will be introduced and the vote will be held on changes to the GAAMP that affects beekeepers. Wingless and I will be there and I'll let you know how it goes.
Maah, I think pain can be a sign that there is a problem - I would NEVER let a chiropractor hurt me that way, they can do a lot of harm.

I've been going to this chiro for years & he has never hurt me. It's not the adjustment or anything he's doing that hurts, it's the tension & pulling from the traction machine (not really a machine either... nothing electronic about it... just weighted ropes). I'm pretty sure the pain is muscular stiffness & inflammation. But man it's a doozy & I'm a wuss.

Great letter BTW & good idea!
Thanks :)

If there are any breeders in Michigan that you know of, please let me know. I'd much rather work with local breeders or hobby farmers than with the big operations, if I can help it.

Birdman55 who is out here on most days, just hatched some chicks, he may have what you are looking for. I didn't pay attention to what kind he has since I'm not in the market right now. Good luck!
There was a waiting list for the nest box today. Three girls were trying to sit at the same time. Of course I didn't have a camera with me and by the time I got with it there was only one girl there.

The nest box is a reclaimed entertainment unit.

I often forget just how big hens can be. Look at the size of those foot prints. That is a size 10 shoe for comparison.
Thank you for doing that. We all should be aware of this bill and the impact that it can have. It does seem a bit ludicrous that we need a need law to state what is already a legal right in the state. But since the attack on small farm operations and the change in the GAAMPs last April, I can see the need for some common sense legislation.

Let your elected representatives and senators know how you feel. Call, e-mail or send a letter. You can find your rep here: http://www.house.mi.gov/mhrpublic/
Tomorrow is the Ag Commissioners meeting. Two new commissioners will be introduced and the vote will be held on changes to the GAAMP that affects beekeepers. Wingless and I will be there and I'll let you know how it goes.
I tweeted this info and fired off my email. I and am looking forward to hearing the results of the meeting tomorrow. Thanks.
Birdman55 who is out here on most days, just hatched some chicks, he may have what you are looking for. I didn't pay attention to what kind he has since I'm not in the market right now. Good luck!

on here all day everyday...im incubating another 30 here this coming sunday....so cant wait to see how that turns out...my eggs are mixed...however I can get several from the amish...and they get pure stock...well hatch stock for very cheap....I don't know how they do it...can get you 3-4 month old birds from 4-8 bucks each....way better then paying 3-4 for day olds so just let me know ....amish normally have them after march and they have a lot of them....I got over 200 birds from them last season
I may bring some chicks to Chickenstock if I am able to make it - they will be an Arkansas Blue roo over one AB hen and several Cream Legbars (blue egglayers), and some brown egg hens (they will produce various shades of Olive Eggers). If I do hatch, the chicks will be vaccinated for Mareks as well.

Opa, I hope you will be able to come this year

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