Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

man im so tired...got three hours of sleep for the last five days....but a lot of work is getting done...so I cant complain...and the peafowl are on their journey here cant wait will get them on late sunday
family and friends...
prayers for a good outcome for your dad

How sad is that Michigan is mentioned several times in this article?

as always you have good info, thank you for keeping us updated
Thanks everyone for the welcome back! It has been so long! I had to share some pictures of what I'm working with in my Legbars.

beautiful birds, good job

Now if the surgery that is scheduled for Tuesday goes as well I will be one happy camper.
glad things are starting to turn around and improve for you, hope this drug works better and we will be praying for a successful surgery
I REMEMBER IT AS SOMETHING THAT JUST HAPPENED in the jug in the fruitcellar as the cider aged. A bacterial process? natural. No ideas on how to foster iiit.
My brother shared this picture with me that a friend took of a sunrise. I thought I'd share it with you.
very beautiful!!!

According to a University of Michigan ornithlogist it's a sparrow.

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