Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

sure wish I knew something about ducks, wannahome, they sure look like they are having trouble, poor things.
Maybe I'm just tricking myself but they seemed like they were looking a little better this evening. I gave them more water therapy time, and brought home some Purina Premium unmedicated starter feed.

I'll post a video a little later once it's uploaded of them playing in the bath.
Good news, poopy butt chick, is doing lots better!!!! (I spent a good 5 hourd in the hospital for a 2 minute procedure!!!!! Its going to be a long 2-5 week recovery) i have been keeping an eye on poopy butt, and have been running vent under the sink for a while and finally got ahuge poop out!!!! Now the issue, when chick poops, it sticks to the vent, should i dab vasaline or evoo on its vent? Will that help? Will post morninf picture

Thanks for all the help from everybody! This site is amazing!
How much is every one charging for eggs at farmers markets this year? I was told to raise my prices because of the egg shortage. It that really changing prices already?

We are still charging $2.50 a dozen. Eggs in the store here are over $3 a dozen, Meijers downstate had them for $1.99
I won't increase my prices unless chicken feed goes up.
Here's my pekin I think is having niacin issues. I've treated their water. I gave the two pekins a bath today because they were absolutely filthy.

His/Her little legs just look very off to me.

Something is definitely off. try adding brewers yeast to her food to increase her niacin, a ratio of 20 to 1. I use Thomas labs brewers yeast and garlic(http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Labratories-110-1110-P07-Brewers-Garlic/dp/B0021WVKV8) And the girls absolutely love it.
Something is definitely off. try adding brewers yeast to her food to increase her niacin, a ratio of 20 to 1. I use Thomas labs brewers yeast and garlic(http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Labratories-110-1110-P07-Brewers-Garlic/dp/B0021WVKV8) And the girls absolutely love it.
I've been giving niacin via supplement in the water and have changed up the food to something with more nutrient. I looked for brewers yeast the other day and didn't find any. I may still get some to have on hand just in case.

Thx for the tip and the link ;) Here's hoping they make a full recovery.
Here. Enjoy :)

Sell my eggs for $4/dozen at work. The city folks there were/are more than willing to pay upwards of $6 (what some had been paying at specialty markets claiming "farm fresh").
Told them I didn't feel comfortable with $5-6. The $4 covers pretty much all of my expenses...
Pretty much a win-win for all!
I've always charged $2 from home and $3 if I take them to the farmers market. Although last year I didn't have extras to take. My dad told me I need to charge more because mine are free range, that they are worth more and to cover predator loss. I don't think where we live free range is a big deal.

After three days on Corid my chicks are acting normal again. So before the next batch goes outside I need to switch to some medicated feed.
I got the last of the garden in this week to the tune of 50+ new bug bites - and that was with a head net. My son went out after the rain yesterday and tilled all the rows. I planted all the sunflowers and other flowers next to the chickens this year. An experiment and we'll have to see if they survive.
How much is every one charging for eggs at farmers markets this year? I was told to raise my prices because of the egg shortage. It that really changing prices already?
We think that selling our fresh eggs are a bargain at $3.00 a dozen. Also have lots of return customers.

In the stores for what they say are the same (they never taste the same to me though), people pay regularly $4.00 a dozen for those. I have not noticed any price increases in mid Michigan and I do not intend to charge more unless costs go up (X2 aart).

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