Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Fun I think what you have going will be ok for a first coop. I learned a lot and changed a few things along the way w my first coop which is still in use. Mine are both walk in coops but with a bad knee it was a must for me.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I too have problems in all my joints (in fact, at the moment my right knee is killing me) and a few other "problems" to boot, but hey, we have to do what we can and let God take care of the rest. Like you said, I'll probably will have to make several changes next spring, but for now...Thanks for cheering me on.
Yesterday I took a few pictures, while we were digging a trench for the electric line to the coop. Piles of dirt, ugh! The sooner it's done, the better. Some white Chanteclers, the EE cockerel, and some Belgian d'Uccle millies;

Alrighty, the census is in at this point on my summer surprise hatch.

10 total hatched

I lost 2 to predators at about 8 weeks in.

As of today, I have 8 left. 5 RR x EE, 3 RR x Black Australorp

4 of the 5 RR x EE are most likely cockerels. They have the saddle feathers becoming quite apparent. Still no crowing, but mostly sure at this point.

the remaining RR x EE and the RR x BA appear to be pullets.

Assuming 4 cockerels, I'll likely keep 1 or 2, and the rest will send to the freezer.
Pictures? What colors did you get? Mary
I'll try and get some pictures of them.

The RR x EE look mostly like RR, but they have the puffy cheeks on some of them which is kinda cool.

The RR x BA are pretty much just Black Australorps with a little bit of red flecking here and there. They're the less exciting of the bunch in terms of color if I'm honest.

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