Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I know quite a bit about cement and concrete, used to sculpt with it.
It usually needs to be kept moist so it will cure properly to reach it's maximum strength,
unless they used some special mix that doesn't need those conditions to cure.
They should have told you how to tend it.
It can turn to crap fast if not cured as it should be.
I had one of those moments yesterday where I was trying to move too much stuff at the same time. Wheelbarrow with a broken bale of straw started to tip, so I rescued it... in the process dropping a bucket of eggs. 15 cracked/busted eggs :-/ Should have let the straw spill.

If anyone knows someone who wants goslings, I have a bunch. I decided I'm not putting another goose egg in the incubator! Africans and Toulouse. Not mixed breed, but I can't tell the darned things apart once I put them in the brooder.
WCB, never put all your eggs in one basket... LOL! JK... been there done that, trying to be efficient with time and trips hauling stuff and you spend more time cleaning up the mess dumping it all than you would have in 2 trips!

Welcome MrsM. Just jump right in! Some of us have known each other for a few years and we'll go off on tangents, but we welcome everyone!


Something I have been coveting for my reef tank! Fish place I frequent had a pair of Dragonfaced pipe fish in. He's in my quarantine tank for now. Unfortunately, these guys need a constant supply of live pods and brine for food! but I don't mind the extra work.

Awesome cement job Raz, Weather was really good for cement yesterday, not too hot or windy. Did you have fiberglass put in the cement? We did for our garage. Helps to bind it really well. Cept at first the cement looks a bit fuzzy, but they wear off. Are they going to come back after it's cured to score it for you?
It just goes to show that you can't believe everything you read.....my 11 3-4yr old hens are giving me 8-10 eggs per day right now. And here we were getting ready to butcher or give them away a month ago.

2 of my chicks somehow managed to squeeze out of the basement brooder and fall on the floor yesterday. Had to play hide and seek to find them, THEN do a head count to make sure there weren't MORE missing. Even my bantam ameraucana's didn't squeeze out of the brooder! Go figure. Still cleaning up poopy butts with this group also. I turned the heat down (even though it wasn't reading too hot) to see if that would help.

Sold 13 of my started chicks on Sunday and got a good chunk of work done on the big coop. Soffit and fascia on both sides AND the western facing side are installed. We still need to put siding on the back and make a decision about a door. It'll be time to paint the whole thing soon!
Awesome cement job Raz, Weather was really good for cement yesterday, not too hot or windy. Did you have fiberglass put in the cement? We did for our garage. Helps to bind it really well. Cept at first the cement looks a bit fuzzy, but they wear off. Are they going to come back after it's cured to score it for you?

No fibreglass. There is a wire grid underneath. They will be back today to saw cut. I'm very pleased with their work.
So this just happened... My juvenile broody momma led the 2wo chick out of the coop and into the run!! Up one ramp, and down the other to get there! I thought I'd have a couple more weeks, LOL! When time was done, baby followed momma right back into the coop like a champ!

I may be recovered from my stressing out sometime Friday.....LOL! :eek::barnie:th
Ask them about the mix and any additives they used and how it should cure for maximum strength. Please. :) I'm curious.
Well the mix was a 4000 pound interior pour. Does that help you? Doesn't mean much to me except that the floor is smooth as glass.

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