Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Ready for the dumb question of the day??? Do you eat the fertilized eggs that are not going to incubate? I don’t have a rooster yet but 2 of my girls squat like they’re scared to death and theres no rooster to be found!
I’d like to get one eventually but want to figure out the basics first:)

it’s raining here in Grand Rapids. Great for the plants!
No question is dumb. If you don't ask you can't learn. :)
Man, it has been a YEAR for chickens. I've had a hawk attack, a neighbor's dog attack, coccidiosis and now this. My chicken (less than a year old) is walking around off-balance. She's eating and drinking fine, but her tail is down. I haven't watched her poop, but I saw in the coop that its more of a spray than a normal dropping. I've isolated her and checked for egg bound. Any ideas? I added electrolytes and probiotics to her water, but I'm worried.
Also check for mites or lice, at night when she's roosting, and have a fecal run at your veterinarian's. Both issues can cause illness, and are easily fixed. Internal issues, not so much.
Good luck with her!

I checked her legs and feet and both seemed okay. We're dropping off a fecal at the vet tomorrow. Thanks for the luck, we need it!
I seem to be missing a young pullet. Bed check and nightly lock down was minus a buckeye. Hopefully she decided to roost outside for the night. Or I might have locked her in the garage when I closed that up for the night.

I have the ducklings in the garage and since they arrived, the chickens all want to go in to see them. My flock dynamics are changing yet again.
Man, it has been a YEAR for chickens. I've had a hawk attack, a neighbor's dog attack, coccidiosis and now this. My chicken (less than a year old) is walking around off-balance. She's eating and drinking fine, but her tail is down. I haven't watched her poop, but I saw in the coop that its more of a spray than a normal dropping. I've isolated her and checked for egg bound. Any ideas? I added electrolytes and probiotics to her water, but I'm worried.

Have you checked the bottom of her feet for bumble foot?
Have you checked the bottom of her feet for bumble foot?

I did! Her legs almost seem splayed sometimes when she’s standing. She’s losing weight. Still haven’t heard from the vet. I started on corid because someone thought it could coccidiosis & been giving her some high protein food (scrambled eggs) and electrolytes.
I am missing a pullet (dang!) and a cockerel (not so much so). On inspection the wire on the run door had been loosened on on one side - the little devils were roosting on the door crossbrace at night. I think they slipped out accidentally, and the neighborhood fox got them. Everything's all patched up and no more losses - and I made a hardware cloth curtain over the crossbrace to prevent roosting.

They always seem to find a way to self destruct :he

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