Michigan to criminalize small family farms with chickens, goats, honey bees and more


8 Years
Feb 23, 2013
NE Ohio
Time for people to get together and stop this:


"The Commission ruled April 28 that local governments have the right to ban livestock from any area zoned residential in the state."

"Governments could ban goats, chickens and even bee hives on properties where there are 13 homes within an eighth of a mile of a livestock property or another home within 250 feet of the property, under the Commission’s ruling, Michigan Public Radio reported."
Since your elected legislature are the ones who initially and continually increased protection for small-scale farmers, and it was an APPOINTED commission who removed the protection, I think you need to go back to your legislature and get them to RESTATE their intent that small-scale farmers be protected.
Please provide the Michigan bill number and a link to the government bill so we can read it.
The USA is out of control! This is the most absurd thing I've heard in a long time...big Gov, Big Biz. GMO all the way to the bank. Let me know how to help from the Caribbean! I feel bad for those being punished for living a healthy lifestyle...eating fruits of their labour, teaching children sustainable food from there own hands....please fight with all your might!

Now you can grow dope but not chickens...what a screwed up place...

Wishing you victory in this fight,

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