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always happy to see more people, where are you from?? Please say "my neck of the woods" hahaha

thats really sad, I hope she recovers. scares me cause as far as I know none of mine have vaccines of any sort. I kinds worry about all the people showing up at the house to see the new chickens, where they've been, ya know? I've heard you truely need to have visitors wear boots over their shoes and tucks their pant legs in when they visit. then that makes me wonder about all the shows, we go see each others birds, handle them, in and out of cages, whatever, and come home with new stuff all over us. what should we do?

From what I've read it can take a month for the sores to heal, but as long as she can eat and breath she should be fine.

As far as keeping birds healthy when going to shows or visiting other chickens, use plenty of hand sanitizer, keep a sanitizing solution (bleach water or other strong sanitizer) for your shoes and wash your bird handling gear well.

This Pox is spread commonly by mosquitoes and lice and contact with sores from one bird to another is another way to spread it. It's prevalent in warmer months, and I think her being broody during the 100 degree temps made her more vulnerable to it.

We went to a bird sanctuary once and they had us wash our hands and then step our shoes into a tub filled to about half inch with sanitizer. We also had to do that when entering a farm in Hawaii. But I think the biggest risk of spreading disease would be to move chickens between farms and not quarantine them for a period of time away from the other birds.
Welcome Leehaha!

Prayers already given for you and hubby ChickwannB.

The newest item I just got were two chicken saddles with wing protectors. The cover the red, bald spots perfectly...I worry some about them being too hot but I'll keep an eye on them. Tess Callen from BYC made them and they are really nice...
I misplaced my youth, lost my virginity and still can't find what I want to be when I grow up. A TV remote is the least of my problems!
I misplaced my youth, lost my virginity and still can't find what I want to be when I grow up. A TV remote is the least of my problems!

I just can't seem to find my mind!
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