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I have a gorgeous Black Sex Link!! I posted pics a few pages back. He's a good boy and I'd love to keep him but I just can't. I also have a RIR. Want some ducks too?? LOL

This is the BSL


I don't have recent pics of the RIR

wow he is beautiful!ill have to show those pics to my family my mom loves black and white speckled chickens like that (thats why she likes BRs) i dont think my dad would want ducks although i think it would be fun! not sure about the RIR our girls are at least half RIR and i think we dont want anymore but the BSL looks awesome! is he nice and also how old is he?

Not sure how old the BSL is, but can't be too old!

All the ducks are sold
but the roos are still available.
If your flock appears healthy I would suspect what you are seeing is cecal droppings and opposed to fecal droppings. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/10233_cecal_droppings.jpg It's normal and nothing to worry about.

yes it looks almost exactly like that, only a more cholate brown color...

Keyt, I love Holland. I used to live on 16th too. 16th and washington. My whole family has lived here forever! My grandparent had a huge historical house on 12th and washinton. But now I am on the N. Side where I can have a small flock and not get into trouble. The largest livestock I can have where I am at is a sheep or goat. No pigs... But from what I understand, my chickens can pretend to be pigs... HAHA

My gram lived on 16th in the apartments right across from Meijer. She lived there for 30 yrs at least. I miss Holland but can't afford to get there anymore. My sister had a large ranch outside of Holland, closer to Saugatuck which is where i spent my summers. I loved it there so much!! She had horses, cattle, goats, chickens (too many! lol), pigs, rabbits...the list goes on. She sold her place in a divorce several years ago so I miss it there a LOT. My nephews, John and Daryl Looman still live in Holland but I'm not sure where because I haven't seen them in a while.
Keyt, the hen you asked about earlier looks like my EE hen Gabby. I hope that helps. Here she is the only time she went broody last year with her two babies under each wing.

M.sue :

Ok you guys, while you are on the subject of poo I have a question that may seem to be real silly. Do chickens pee, go ahead and laugh!! The reason I'm asking is because I've noticed a few wets spots in the shavings under their roost in the coop that look likes water. My coop is brand new, custom built by my DH and does not leak. I have not closely inspected it but intend to. I'm realitivity new to raising chickens although I was raised being around chickens my whole childhood. So if someone could answer my silly question after they are done laughing I'd appreciate it.

I'm not laughing because at one time I wondered the same thing. Chickens don't urinate or have a bladder in the same way we do. The white stuff you see in chicken poop is called urates and that is their urine. I have wet spots under the roost as well from time to time and I'm assuming it is just watery poop or a secretion from the beginning of the egg laying process. Anyone else have ideas?

BTW, I don't think we've met. Welcome M.sue!! Glad you've joined the MI thread!
No kidding.. I didn't know chickens didn't pee either! LOL. learned something new again today! YAY!

I got the main framing finally finished for the big coop. Its so much bigger than it looked when i drew it out on design paper... WOW!

The design i came up with is super simple, pretty easy to build, but wow! I was thinking, If i had to, I could build me a quick house! Just need my tape measure, a t, and a good hammer... A drill would be better, but like i said, I could do it if I needed. And why am I amazed? I am not a builder. Just... Well, I didn't want to pay 600 or more for a coop for 16 chickens! 12 of which are bantams and 4 standards.
wow he is beautiful!ill have to show those pics to my family my mom loves black and white speckled chickens like that (thats why she likes BRs) i dont think my dad would want ducks although i think it would be fun! not sure about the RIR our girls are at least half RIR and i think we dont want anymore but the BSL looks awesome! is he nice and also how old is he?

Not sure how old the BSL is, but can't be too old!

All the ducks are sold
but the roos are still available.

Yay! Good job on the duck sales.

The BSL is probably 2-3 years old. Based on his spurs and legs he is no spring chicken. This can actually be a plus in selling him though as by that age usually their true colors have come out whereas with a roo that is several months, rather than years, a lot of times aggression will crop up later.

Coming home after a long day at work and finding this little guy waiting sure reminds you of how amazing life really is. It a spangled hamburg chick. I've got eggs under a broody Vorwerk and this was the first one to hatch from the clutch.
We have had many bantams over the last 10 years. The Sebrights are very beautiful and I've seen a lot of them at the fairs but they are a high high energy bird and I find them hard to handle. I think they would be hard for an 11 year old to hold and carry. We had one and rehomed her to live with a Sebright rooster which seemed to make her happy. She and the rooster are very high energy together and the people who own them cannot even catch them.

Our Belgium D'Uccle is heavenly. She is honestly the best hen we have ever had. She obeys me if I tell her to stay off the porch. She gets along with other hens and is happy to be carried and held. She laid a lot of eggs her first 2 years and now as a 2 year old, she is broody on and off. I can't think of anything negative to say about her and I would love to have another d'uccle or two.

Jaime's cochin bantam 'Blueberry' looks just adorable and like a really great bird for a child to handle. We had a cochin bantam and she was wonderful. And we had a Silkie mix who was just wonderful also.
I hope that helps you!

I am so in love with my little Blueberry.
The other two bantam cochins I have are super sweet too. SO I would also say they are great for an 11 year old.
I have a white bantam named Winter and a black frizzle named Stormy.
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