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Are you sure its frost bite? Cuz my cochins get under the heat lamps and melt their head feathers and turned a couple of the roos, combs black on the tips. I had to move the lamps up about 6 inches so they wouldnt touch it
Hi !
We are from Reed City (up by Big Rapids ). We have 8 laying hens ; 3 leghorns, 4 Isa Browns, and a Black Cochin. We also have Foghorn the rooster ! 2 milking goats, 3 horses, a 3 year old Australian Shepherd mix, and a part time barn cat.....feel the need to say and a partridge in a pear tree..lol. We are new to chickens this last October...but we have already gotten over 100 eggs! We are AMAZED! It's truely a rewarding life. Hope all is well with you!
Shelly and Lyle
Good Morning!

Waiting for my windshield to defrost so I can see to drive to the neighbors to exersice. Should probably go and check, it is probably ready for me....now I am procrastinating!

Welcome new poultry friends!

have a wonderful day and keep warm!

MJ I have a small beauty mark that I have always hated because it is very pale not dark I have been thinking of getting it pierced with a small black diamond. I would love foot tattoos to bad I am wimpy and hate having my feet touched.
I have talked about getting a tattoo on my ankle. My son said it would be a very painful place to get it but then I reminded him that I wouldn't feel it since my ankle is numb. I still don't guess I will ever get it though, I just can't see spending DH's hard earned money on that.

to Vredenburgs. This is a nice group of folks. You aren't too far from me.
i have a tat on the inside of my R ankle. it's slightly painful any place that there is not much fat padding. it feels like tiny little pokes. like using a man's electric shaving razor kind of. the pulling sensation almost. it's not super expensive, but you really need to find a GOOD place and ask tons of questions etc.

Crystal...that is a good idea! or you could have it tattooed with permanent make-up. it works really well.

off to a luncheon today in Frankenmuth with another BYC'er! (blueberrylu!) she's my hetro date! since i don't drive! lol. pretty excited. there will be lunch, some music and a bunch of ladies from all over (different church denominations) and it just sounds great. and i have my christmas party shoes on, so how can you go wrong???? i'll see if i can get a pic of us!

have a super day y'all and welcome to the new folks!
Hi everyone!

It's been awhile, but I am still around. Finally had my gall bladder out 2 weeks ago, and am finally starting to feel better. Can't wait till I'm 100% again. It's hard not to overdue it when you live on a farm.

I still have over 100 meat chickens going into this nasty weather! Yikes! All the other birds are doing great! We winterized the hoop houses with heavy duty plastic and straw. Chicks seem to be loving it. The geese are now inhabiting the turkey pen and are really enjoying all that extra room. My gander, Leopold, that I got from Vicki is the sweetest boy! He doesn't like to be caught at first, but once he is he LOVES the attention.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Batten down the hatches and get ready for the weather.

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