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IME if you do not have oats ground they will just peck through them and make a big, wasteful mess. Which is why we now pay the extra $5 to have our feed ground once it's mixed. Now, mind you, they have no problem picking through oat straw and eating THOSE leftover whole oats, they just don't want them as part of their feed mix. Picky brats!

They normally eat them fine, until I gave them the corn. Next time we go to the farm, I will have Mark grind them. We get ours from our family's farm and he just brought home a huge bag.

Their feed is regular feed or mash (crumbles) but the scratch I mix the oats and corn. They used to tear right into the oats until I gave them corn with it....lol
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erinlee - he is a beautiful boy. Keep him, keep him, keep him!

The sun was so beautiful today and had to take some pics of my babies.

Cadbury my snuggle chickie. If I don't pick her up fast enough she'll just fly up on my shoulder. My daughter calls her Cadbeard!

Neal, my silly roo. He sure is a pretty boy. I'm going to have to get rid of him in the spring but I'm hoping since it is winter and all the neighbors have their windows closed, they won't mind the crowing too much.


Yaaaaaaaaay! More heathens! I really only celebrate spending time with friends and family during this time of year, being atheist and all

LOL! I see how it goes. You all wait for me to come out of the closet first and then it's like heathens from a burning stump. Errr, is that ants?

You're a trend setter.
I was also raised Catholic but it just didn't stick. For a long time I knew only that religion wasn't important to me and as I got older and read more about philosophy, I moved toward agnosticism and finally realized I'm just a plain old atheist. My world view is one of secular humanism. With a goal of using reason to find ways of helping humanity reach it potential, I'm free to learn and adopt beliefs that make sense to me, wherever they are found.

IME if you do not have oats ground they will just peck through them and make a big, wasteful mess. Which is why we now pay the extra $5 to have our feed ground once it's mixed. Now, mind you, they have no problem picking through oat straw and eating THOSE leftover whole oats, they just don't want them as part of their feed mix. Picky brats!

They normally eat them fine, until I gave them the corn. Next time we go to the farm, I will have Mark grind them. We get ours from our family's farm and he just brought home a huge bag.

Their feed is regular feed or mash (crumbles) but the scratch I mix the oats and corn. They used to tear right into the oats until I gave them corn with it....lol

Well, they'll eat each other if there aren't other options available.

Also, just to clarify, if your birds are reducing their feed consumption because of the quantity of scratch they're getting it'd be a very good idea to cut back on the scratch. It's very nutrient deficient -- especially just a mix of corn and oats. It's meant as a treat and shouldn't be a main portion of their diet. If they're reducing feed intake it means they're filling their crops with the scratch and not getting a balanced diet. Kind of like I would love to fill my "crop" with cupcakes rather than salad. LOL!
They normally eat them fine, until I gave them the corn. Next time we go to the farm, I will have Mark grind them. We get ours from our family's farm and he just brought home a huge bag.

Their feed is regular feed or mash (crumbles) but the scratch I mix the oats and corn. They used to tear right into the oats until I gave them corn with it....lol

Well, they'll eat each other if there aren't other options available.

Also, just to clarify, if your birds are reducing their feed consumption because of the quantity of scratch they're getting it'd be a very good idea to cut back on the scratch. It's very nutrient deficient -- especially just a mix of corn and oats. It's meant as a treat and shouldn't be a main portion of their diet. If they're reducing feed intake it means they're filling their crops with the scratch and not getting a balanced diet. Kind of like I would love to fill my "crop" with cupcakes rather than salad. LOL!

Thanks. I planned on skipping it for a few days.
No kidding missing day and the many pages that add up. Sorry to all that have had losses this season /hugs.

That weekend was a cold one. out of my 8 girls I had 6 eggs total over Sat and Sun, changed rabbit water 3 times a day
, chickens were fine. Chicken are spoiled with heated water
. Today we had 6 eggs.

It was a busy weekend for us, I was able to get my lil sis to come over and get ther things out, so I could remodel the back of the house. w00t new dinning room looking out the back and windows!! I installed two for now pics to come.. If I ever get a chance. At work right now .... um but working really hard /looks around. more later have a turbo swap to complete.
Well, Merry CHRISTmas to all my heathen friends any way! While you look forward to the secular festivities of the season, I look forward to the birthday of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm so glad we all agree on chickens!
Christmas it is.......born & raised Catholic, was a heathen in my teens & early 20's and then back to being a faithful Catholic after marriage. Figured I torture my kids the way my parents tortured my siblings & I. lol jk.

My dad always said that if you want to keep good friends and piece among everyone....Never talk sex, religion or politics!!
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