Mid January Hatch thread....

Today is one week for my first BO, Gigantor... and day six for the majority of the other little peeps... I can't believe how much they change! I woke up this morning to my cat sunning himself under the heat lamp ~~~ ON TOP of the brooder with only hardware cloth between! Luckily, he's too lazy to even care that the little peeps were under him lol
Um... I just realized there are (counting Mama) 14 chickens on my front porch... FOURTEEN!!!!!
These are shipped eggs!!! From North Carolina!!! To Connecticut!!!! In December!!!!! By my guestimation, there was only supposed to be 5 or 6 that hatched, at most...

out of 14 eggs!!!!! One wasnt fertile & got pulled at 7 days. The rest... HATCHED!!! ALL OF THEM!!! (Does that make it a 100% hatch, given that one egg wasnt fertile to begin with?)

Sorry for the poor quality. This is a screen print from my web cam that I managed to grab during the 5 seconds of my broody getting up to stretch. The dark blob at the back is a poo- not a chick! I cant reach it to clean it out w/o disturbing anyone (or losing an eye!), so I'm waiting for their first "outing" to take care of it. The dark blob between the dark chick and light chick is another chick, not another poo, LOL! Also, there are two tan colored chicks. I've seen them out at the same time before. I think the other one is hiding under his... er, "twin".

Of course, my back yard is small and I already have 9 normal sized chickens, so I'm not going to keep ALL of them. I'll figure out which 5 or 6 I want to keep and sell off the rest in the spring. In the meantime, tho- I'm just going to enjoy their unbelievable cuteness!! I've never hatched bantams, or even seen a day old bantam chick, before... OMG! They're, like, the size of a golf ball, LOL!!!!! They are too freekin' cute!!!


Oh... I should add that I dont know what kind they are. They came from a barnyard mix of bantams, silkies, seramas, d'uccles and cochins, so they could be anything. Doesnt matter to me, tho! I am in LOVE!
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We are on day 20 and getting antsy...

In our Brinsea 20 we followed a lot of people's advice for lockdown humidity. However instead of paper towels, I used a square of scrap Tshirt fabric, cut big enough to lay across incubator floor with it pushed down into the two wells. Wells are being kept full and so far the humidity is staying between 65-70% with no problem (vent half open).
Hansen and Wantless (really? chicken math lol) Good luck on your upcoming hatches. Don't forget to post lots of pictures! I just finished one hatch and won an auction for more eggs so guess what! more chickies in February!!!!!!! This is soooooooooo addicting!
I stopped turning the eggs I have due Sunday... I still have to turn all of the others but I do it quick and pull the cartons out.... turn.. put back in then wait till it heats up again then do the same with the other carton... any move but I know 3 days ago they where still moving when I candled... Can;t wait for my Self Blues to hatch!!!

I'm so excited to see more chicks hatch this weekend! It's so fun to see!!!

Joneus, really? The size of a golf ball? I may have to hatch some bantams, just to see that. I can't believe they're so tiny!!

My chickens will be two weeks old this weekend, and they're starting to enter that horribly ugly/gawky stage.

Hulksmash isn't doing so well. I took off her hobble yesterday. She'd been wearing it 8 days, with no improvement. It kept it from looking too awful when on, but when I take it off, her leg really flops out there. She was so miserable with it on though, and since there wasn't improvement, I wasn't sure if it was worth continuing treatment. Then again, as I've watched her without it, she's not walking around much anyway, so maybe she would be better off with it on, even if it's not permanently improving anything. I don't know.
joneus.... CUTE BABIES!!!!!! Sounds like you had the awesome hatch rate I did!!!! I was hoping for a handful of chicks to hatch... so 19 out of the 21 really threw me for a loop lol

Sphinx ~~~ hope hulksmash gets better... it's so hard when they are born with special needs, huh?

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